Chapter Ten

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I squeeze Cole's hand just wanting a form of comfort. He does the same and I swallow. Why do they hate us so much? Why do they want to kill us?

"Isn't there anything you want other than our deaths? I can give you most anything!" Cole bargains

"No! We want the monarchy to end! You have corrupted the government and we want a change! The government is supposed to protect us in exchange for well behavior, you aren't doing your job so why should we?" The big man fires back

"How have we not protected you? My father gives you shelter, my mother offers you jobs, and I took on the honor of keeping my Grandfather's food shelters. The only thing that is keeping you from being protected and successful is yourself!" Cole argues

"Success is not protection! Sure I could be rich, but if someone who wants me dead pits a gun to my head, my money won't be good then." Big man yells

"Exactly what you're saying we mess up on is what you're doing to us. How will you be better?" I ask

"We understand the people." He answers quickly.

"And I don't? I am a normal citizen as well as all selected royals. We understand. We have tried but there is no way to get all weapons from he people. Even if we did, hunters wouldn't be able to get meat, no butchers to prepare it, which would deprive the people of a healthy diet. One thing at the bottom will make everything at the top crumble." I say standing up.

"The lady has a point." A rebel man pipes up

"But!" Big man starts

"But nothing! What she says is true, there is nothing they can do. If you hate the monarchy so much, move somewhere else and try to create your own government. And even though you say it will be a democracy, we all know that it would be a dictatorship." The man steps toward us and places his hand on the table. The big man's mouth gapes as more and more of his rebel people place their hands on the table representing that they support the monarchy. With my few words, I created an uprising of the rebel's group.

Before the big man said anything, the man defending us, picked me up, and ran toward a door. Cole was right behind him and the rebels who now weren't rebels ran too.

"Get them!" Big man screams, sending off the rest of his rebel army.

"Where are we going? Who are you?" I ask the man carrying me.

"I'm Daniel Ethers. And we're leaving this place. I'm the big man's son. Being born into the rebel group, I never like the thoughts of my father or anything. Also, you're way to beautiful to die." Daniel cracks a smile

"Well thank you, Daniel. But you should know, I'm off limits." I respond

"Ahh yes, one of his majesty's toys. I feel sorry for you, don't you ever get to leave?" He asks

"No. But I like it there and I like Cole so I'm more then content." I say matter oh factly.

"How long do you think you've been here?" He asks

"About two days." I say

"Sorry, Doll but it's been a week. We're coming up at an exit. Cole you need to make sure she's running as fast as possible. I'll be right behind you two. When you get to a river, hide in the big hallowed oak. You'll understand when you get there."

Daniel tosses me out of his hands and I have to sprint to catch up to Cole. I push on a metal door and a cold breeze embraces me. I keep running but the long, frosted, grass slows me down.

"It's to thick!" I whine

"Just move! We need to get to that tree!" Cole replies

I hear screams back at the building and I crouch down in the grass so no one can see me. Cole does the same and we crawl for what seems like an hour. Finally, I hear churning water.

I stand up and jump across the stream. Instantly, I find the tree. I circle the tree but there was no entrance.

"What do we do?" I moan throwing my hands into the air. Suddenly, the ground goes out and I fall down a chute.

"Georgia!" I hear Cole scream

I stop sliding and lights flicker on. There was a couch, table, bed, kitchen, and a small looking bathroom. It was a secret safe room under the tree, not in it!

"Cole come down!" I shout up the chute.

I hear his yells as he comes down. When he stands up his mouth drops. I laugh and take his hand leading him to the couch.

"Look at this! It's amazing!" I say in awe.

"It is! But wait, where is Daniel?" He asks

I look up the chute and light suddenly appears. I run around and hide behind the couch. If it was a rebel I didn't want to be the first thing he sees.

"I'm here!"

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