Chapter 6- Cold

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It was cold.

Walking outside in only shorts and a t-shirt in September will garentee it will be cold. You may be wondering why am I in shorts and a t-shirt well the answer is; the school is evil and like to make us suffer by freezing us to death.

Right now we had gym class and Coach decided that he wants to play football,outside. (A/n: I mean the English football or soccer)

"Arrrr, why do we have to play outside?" Whined Charity, "Oh, you know what I heard! That-"

I cut her off, "Char please if it's gossip then don't even start, just find a filter for this lesson,ok?" I asked. I don't want to be rude and Charity knows it, it's just that it's cold already and I don't need some gossip to add that.

"Okay okay, for you!"

Hearing a whistle in the distance, me and Charity turned towards Coach. He was a 30 something year old man with a buff figure and a buzz cut.

Student huddled around him, girls hugging each other to get warmer and boys doing some small exercises to warm up. Me and Charity stood close to each other, stealing each others warmth.

"Right," shouted Coach. "Today we will be doing football and I know it's cold but I don't want to hear any whining from any of you got it?"

Students groaned but nodded nonetheless.

"Come on boys! What took you so long?!" Shouted Coach at some boys that were probably late.

Turning my face towards the school I saw it was Maddox, Jacob and Liam coming late. What's with them and being late?

Standing in front of Coach the boys said sorry and walked towards the other students. But there was something wrong.

All in English, me and Maddox would talk to each other and there would be the occasional chuckle and smile there. I even didn't sutter that much! From time to time Maddox would gave me a question or curious look whenever I talked with out suttering or whenever I smiled. But I just dismissed that.

The weird thing now is that he is different. He seems.....cold. His face is blank and his purple eyes are emotionless. I don't know what happened but I know that I won't judge his change of attitude, especially that he didn't even talk or see me yet.

"Wiz, come on!" Turning to look at Charity I saw her gesture towards the running students. Warm up.

"Coming!" I called back.

We started running, out running some of the slower students but staying behind the faster ones.

"Grrh! I don't understand why we have to do this! Like, does Coach wants us to freeze to death?"

Laughing at mine and my friends over dramatic mood while shivering slightly at the cold I suddenly felt eyes burning into my skull and warmth behind me. I turned my head only to be met with a chest.

My eyes snapped upwards towards Maddox's purple ones.

I blow out a small sign,"Hi,"

Cracking a assumed smile Maddox shook his head,"Hey,"

In the corner of my eye I could see Liam and Jacob running along side Charity and me. Charity being Charity had a awe and a panicked expression on her face, and me being me laughed at her.

Her face suddenly turned into a glare when she noticed my laughing face,"And what do you find funny, may I ask?"

"Your face." I carved a smile at her glare,"What? I'm saying the truth!"

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