Chapter 10 - Perfect?

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I put the last dish into the dishwasher and signed. I still couldn't come up with a reason why my dad acted so weirdly around Maddox. I know for sure that he didn't judge him since he himself was a little bit of a trouble maker when he was younger.

My mind swirled with different reasons as to why he acted that way. I'm not blind, I saw the grimace when Maddox was going. I know that dad at that time got something in his mind, something that caused him to act weirdly. One thing I know is that my dad is very stubborn so when he gets something in his mind he will make it.

That's the thing that scares me.

A small and soft hand touched my shoulder and turned and pulled me towards the small body. Long, slender arms wrapped around me and pulled me into a hug. Lavender and graphite surround me. A weird but calming sent to me. It was home. My mum squeezed me lightly as I wrapped my arm around her.

We pulled back and my mum smiled at me, showing her crokered teeth. She sat me down at one of the chairs around the table and sat down next to me.

"What's on your mind dear?" She signed while kissing my forehead.

"Nothing mum, just.... dad acted kind of weirdly towards one of my friends and I just don't get it." Is Maddox my friend? Do we classify as friends?

My mother smiled at me and chucked, "I can assure you Whisper that your dad didn't judge your friend. You know him, he only wants what's the best for you. Go and ask him, and don't worry."

I kissed my mum's cheek and headed upstairs towards my dad's/mum's office or studio. My parents think that there is no point of having different offices if they can fit there together and see each other.

I opened the door slightly, knowing that there is no point of knocking. My dad was at his wooden desk with his glasses placed on his roman nose.

I walked towards his desk. His head lifted slightly and when he saw me,a smile drew on his face but disappeared when he saw the sad and confused look on my face.

"Honey, what happened? Why are sad? Did that boy do something?! I can get my shotgun out?!" I smiled and shook my head towards him, lightly pushing him towrds his chair that he abandoned while asking a million of questions.

My dad isn't judgemental. But he cares, he cares a lot about me and my mum,even Rex. However sometimes he cares so much that all logic flys out of his mind. Like right now.

"No dad, he didn't do anything but..... why...-why did you act so- so weirdly? Dad? Is everything alright?" If I was talking my voice would've cracked and become a mare whisper. The plus of sign language- no cracking voice. But sometimes it's not so much of a plus, the way we speak gives out a lot about our emotion. If you don't speak the truth is in your eyes, but just like the voice, a professional can hide their feelings.

My dad looked at me with a pained expession. He stood up and walked towards me opening his arms and pulling me into a big loving bear hug.

 He stood up and walked towards me opening his arms and pulling me into a big loving bear hug

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