Chapter 7- Laugh

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I walked out of the changing room, not bothering to wait for Charity knowing she'll take ages to get ready, and headed towards my biology classroom.

You could say I'm alright at biology. Not bad but not great. I'm ok.

I opened the old squeaky door coming to a nearly empty classroom and walked towards the end of the class, where for some reason I felt the most comfortable with. I guess I just like not being in the centre of attention.

I sat down and got out my notebook and started doodling aimlessly. I seem to do it all the chance I get, don't ask why.

"You like to doddle, don't you?" Asked a voice making me snap my head up to see Liam looking at me couristly.

What's with them and looking at me like that? And here I thought I was the curious one!


Chuckling, Liam took a seat beside me and started to play Angry Birds on his phone. Today he was wearing a graphic t-shirt with a leather jacket on the top with black jeans and blue vans.

Going back to doodling, I looked away in order to not look like a creep,that I was, if Liam suddenly looks up.

Being a extreme non-judgemental person has it downs. One of which is extreme courisity. I'm not judging therefore I am curious about the person and his/her story.

You could say this is one of my biggest flaws; being nosy and way too much curious. So let's just say I'm happy that cats have nine life's.(A/N: If you don't get it,it's just about a saying 'curiosity killed the cat')

Out of nowhere a figure stood in front of me.

She had long tan legs with a skirt that hardly covered her bum and a white blouse that had the first two buttons opened showing her clavege. Her green eyes were outlined with mascara and eyeliner and her lips were ruby red. Her dark brown hair fell in waves down to her shoulder blade.

In the corner if my eyes I could see Liam looking werely between me and her as if scared something will happen.

"Hi, Harper" I smiled at her as she smiled back.

"Hey Wiz, I was wondering if I could get your number?" She asked.

I looked at her couristly, "Em, Ok, but don't you already have my number?"

She blow out some air from her mouth rolling her eyes at me playfully, "Yeah, but I got a new phone and somehow lost all my contacts! And it's such a shame 'cause i had this cute guys number and now it's lost!"

I laughed at her and give her my number. When she turned around she winked at Liam and left.

As you may see Harper looks like what people would call 'a slut' or 'a hoe', and I do admit she does sleep around but that is no reason to call someone a slut or whore or hoe or whatever else, if I had to give her a label or a name I would prefer 'a flirt'. Because let's get this right, a boy sleeps around and he is a player but when a girl sleeps around she's already a slut? Where's the logic?

Liam turned towards me with a raised eyebrow, "From when do you hang out with slut's?"

I rolled my eyes at him,"She is not a slut!"

Liam eyebrows raised even higher,"from what I know she has many casual s*x. She's a slut."

I blew a frustrated sign, all my shyness gone. "Firstly, how do you know it's casual! Huh? And even if it is and even if she is a slut do not slut shame, alright? She's still human and has feelings and it's her own body and life!" I said all in one breath.

Liam looked at me with mixed emotions. Shock, confusion, awe, courisity were plastered on his face.

".....ok" he said, clearing his throat. Liam also muttered something else along the lines of 'no surprise he's interested in her', but I'm not sure.

When the bell finally rang and the teacher came in, he started talking about cell's and me being me started to doddle a comic about 'hipster' cells.

Don't judge!

In the corner of my eyes I could see Liam laughing at something on his phone. In that moment I realised something.

From what it seems Liam is the happy and joking type, while Jacob is the moody one and Maddox is the mysterious one. Or that is what I think but who knows maybe these are just the faces that they put up in public.

Last class, Chemistry. Me and chemistry, we're alright, better then Physics or Biology.

I walked into the classroom with already some students mingling around, one of which was Jacob.

I walked to the far end table near the window and sat down taking out my notebook.

I could hear the students laughing and joking around but I didn't pay attention to it. What did get my attention was the scraping of a chair and someone sitting down.

"Tell me what your playing at?" Jacobs deep voice asked.

"Huh?" What does he mean?

"What your playing at? Huh? Attention? Popularity? What?!"

I looked at him confused. What does he mean? If I could I would stay 10 feet or more away from these things!

"Jacob, I don't know what you mean, alright? I'm not playing at anything and if I had a choice I would stay 10 feet away from attention." I said, honesty dripping from my mouth.

Jacob seemed to analyse me for a second before a wide crokered smile appeared on his face.

"I like you. You're good."

I laughed at his stupidity and turned around when the bell rang, signalising the start of lesson.

"Alright class, today we will.........."


(Justin Bibers voice) Is it too late now to say sorry!? 'Cause I just didn't know what to write.... I'll stop. Anyway sorry its short ,it kinda was a writers block but not really. Just a bit.

And sorry...... again!

- HiddenKnight

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