Hour 3

26 4 2

We were trapped. No way out. With who knows how many gunmen.

We were basically already dead.

"We need to find a safe place," Cole states.

"Yeah, we know," I reply. We take a second to think."The pool!" I blurt out maybe a little too loud. Just a little. "Steel doors that lock. It's perfect."

"But we need the keys," Cole sighs.

"I think I might know a place to get 'em," Grant smirks. That little devious boy. I can't even believe he'd think of such thing. Then again, he did grow up with me being his older sister. I may be a good caretaker, but I'm not exactly what you'd call "the best roll model."

The next thing I know, I'm pulling the keys off the dead janitors belt loop. It was probably the grossest thing I've ever done... today. I made it pretty clear by gawking and gagging and making weird noises.

"Rest in peace, Mr. White," I whisper, as we continue down the hall. Cole rolls his eyes.

To get to the pool we had to walk through the cafeteria.

There looked to be at least 30 bodies on the floor (probably more). We stepped over each of them. I stop. There was a girl lying on the floor, Anna Lawman. She didn't look dead.

The power flickers then goes out. I take out my phone and turn on the flashlight as does Cole. I pass Grant off to Cole and crouch down, keeping a safe distance. I take my baseball bat and poke her with it in the stomach. She takes in a shakey breath in return.

"She still alive," I state, turning to Cole.

"So?" he asks with a bratty tone in his voice.

"We can't just leave her here. She's still alive," I repeat. I look up at him with pleading eyes.

After having a short mental battle with himself, he passes the now sleeping child back to me and picks up Anna.

I unlock the pool door, letting Cole in. I get in and lock it behind me. I lay Grant on the bleachers. "Grab me that first aid kit?" I ask Cole, pointing to the one on the tile wall. He gives me a snotty look in return. "Fine, I'll get it."

I get up, but Cole stops me. "I got it," he mumbles. He walks over, taking it off the wall and handing it to me. "Here. No need to thank me."

"My...hero!" I snap angrily.

"Sam-" he starts.

"Just hold the flashlight," I cut off.

I gently lift up Anna's shirt. I take out a spray bottle labeled Iodine. I spray it 3 times into the bullet hole. I take the kleenex out and make a thick layer over the wound then wrap the ace bandage over the kleenex.

I kinda wanted to be a doctor, but I don't know if I want to anymore. Hell, I probably won't even make it out of here to become one.

I finish and lay down next to Grant.

"Did you call the police?" I ask.

"No single," he answers rudely.

"I bet the landlines work," I sigh. He rolls his eyes again. "Listen, I don't know what's your problem with me. If I'm just not good enough for you or maybe you just hate me. But it doesn't matter anymore. Because if you don't get your shit together and at least tollerate me until we get out, then we're all dead. You don't have to like me, but you have to accept the fact that I'm your partner. I don't care if you're quarterback, rich, poor, whatever. Because if we don't make it out, our graves are still going to be the same size," I snap. "Do you understand?"

He just nods in return.

24 Hours in HellTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang