Hour 10

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I left Cole to sleep because he just looked so tired.

Footsteps pass the door. I pick up the pistol and roam out of the media center, curious as to where I was going. I just follow the footsteps. They stopped at the front door.

I peak around the corner.

The school had gone the whole 9 yards. There was a SWAT team, police, ambulence, everything waiting in the parking lot.

There were some classmates of mine standing outside of the school and just staring. They stood with their families though.

My eyes well-up.

Not because of the kids with their families, but the families waiting for their children that weren't coming out.

Mom was nowhere in sight. There was no family waiting for Cole either, don't ask me how I know his family.

I walk back to the media center. I could already tell Cole was awake. I softly shut and lock the door.

"Where did you go?" he asks. He sounded 1/2 awake.

"I just followed someone to see where they were going," I shrug. He just nods and changes positions. "They stopped at the door. There's alot of family's waiting for their children. Mine wasn't there and neither was yours."

He just stays quiet.

"You don't actually have this great life, do you?" I ask. He nods.

"My parents died last year, I've lived by myself ever since," he confesses.

"If we make it out of here and if you ever need a place to stay, you can stay with us" I smile. He just smiles back.

About 5 minutes later Grant wakes up too.

I pass each of them a can of beans.

I honestly wasn't hungry and I hate beans, but since it was a down moment, I eat just to tide me over for a bit.

Grant pretty much shoves his can down his throat. Cleaning the side and everything.

"You want mine too?" I ask. I've barely taken a bite out of mine.

"No," he declines.

"Here," I say, giving it to him. I knew he was hungry by the way he was eyeballing it.

"Sammy," Grant starts. I raise my eyebrows. "I love you."

"I love you too, Grant. Where did that come from?" I smile nervously.

"The heart," he jokes, tapping on his chest. I roll my eyes.

"Seriously, what's up?" I ask, adjusting my position to criss sross applesause.

He looks down at the floor then back up at my eyes. "Are we going to die?" he asks.

"I've kept you alive this long, haven't I?" I smile, cocking an eyebrow.

"But seriously," he pries.

"You're not going to die. And if you do, I'll go first," I say, finally being serious. "Okay? I'm not going to let those boys hurt you. Understand?"

He gives me a half smirk and a nod.

Suddenly, there's a loud bang on the door.

We all sit up straight, knowing it wasn't anyone that was good.

Grant jumps into my arms. I throw my bag over my shoulder and hold up the pistol while Cole struggles to unlock the door.

"Come on, come in, come on," I mutter repeatedly under my breath.

The door finally opens and we sprint out.

The door leads to a long narrow hallway that split into 2 at the end.

"Let's split up to get him off our asses then meet up at chem classroom," Cole states.

"Okay," I agree as we come to where the hallways split. He goes one way and I go the other.

I run down a few more hallways.

I run up the stairs to see Aaron, I turn to see Jackson.

I gotta think quick, this is life or death.

I take out the pistol, taking one shot at each of them purpously missing. It throws them off. I slide down the railing on my butt. I hop off and turn sharply out to the commons hall. I nudge the door with my hip, making it close.

I turn to make sure they were off my ass, only to feel a sharp pain in my side. My running slowed, but it was still fast.

I run until I couldn't run anymore. Grant jumps down grabbing my hand and pulling me .

He was lucky if he got a fast walk out of me.

"I can't-" I breath out, "I can't."

"Come on, Sammy!" Grant cries.

"I'm sorry," I groan.

He sighs and pulls me into the English classroom. I grunt as I basically collapse on the tile floor.

I rest my back against the wall.

"The landline," I groan. Grant brings the phone over. "Call 087."

He does so.

"Hello?" Cole answers.

"Cole, Sammy's hurt. We're in the English classroom," Grant replies. I hear the line go dead.

Grant's eyes tear up.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I whisper, brushing hair out of his face.

"You're going to die?" he says as more of a question.

"Not yet," I say quietly. "You're not getting rid of me this easy." He cracks a smile. "Because I'm here to annoy you for a long, long time. I'm not going to die today. Okay? Today... I'm going to be just fine."

24 Hours in HellDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora