Hour 14

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"I gotta pee," I state, standing up.

"What? No-" Cole declines.

"Relax Cole, I'm walking 2 steps across the hall to the bathroom," I chuckle.

"Can't you just go in a vase?" he asks. I blink in response. "Can't you hold it until the FBI finds us or something?"

"I've been holding it. This is just the first time you've been hearing about it," I snap. He just stares up at me for a long time. "Seriously though dude, if I don't go now, my blatter's gonna burst and then you'll have a lot bigger injury than a bullet to worry about."

With that I walk out.

I take my pee and walk back to the chemistry room.

I sit down next to Cole and rest my head on his chest. He wraps his arm around me and pulls me closer.

I was so tired, but I didn't want to fall asleep in fear that I wouldn't wake up. It was like really cold in the chem room too.

I know you can fall asleep faster when you're cold, but not when you're about to get hyprothemia.

So being my boyfriend, Cole gives me his jacket. His warm letterman's jacket, that smelled like him.

That only made me snuggle closer to him.

"You should get some rest," Cole offers.

"No," I answer.

"Then give me back the jacket," he jokes. I laugh and roll my eyes.

"Fine, but do you promise to wake me up in exactly an hour?" I ask. He nod.

It literally took me 5 seconds to fall asleep.

It was a deep sleep too.

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