New Life

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"You sure you wanna go back today?" Mom asks for the 15th time this morning.

The school has been back and open again for the past week. Mom still doesn't want us to go, but I just really want to put it in the past and go back to normal life.

"Yes Mom. I'm ready to go back. We all agreed to put it behind us and grow a pair and come back today," I groan, tying my hair up into a ponytail. "This is our new and improved life."

"Okay dear...okay," Mom sighs, looking at me in an almost confused way.


As we pull in the parking lot of the school, I noticed there were less cars.

Bryant's mom pulls to a stop and we all file out of the mini van.

"Thanks Bryant's Mom," I call after us. "We seriously doing this?" I ask.

"Yep," they all answer. We start on our journey into school.

 Once we enter the 8 doors on the East Wing of the school. It felt as if the entire world was moving in slow motion.

We were shot looks of pity, anger, happiness, bitterness, sadness, etc.

I hated all the attention and Grant hated it even more.

"Life sucks," I sigh.

"Says the girl who almost lost her own," Cole shoots back. I roll my eyes.

"We shall not dwell on the past in our new lives," I snap.

They chuckles.

I love this new life of mine. It's sure as hell better than the last. I'm going to make the most of it until my actual day comes. But until that day I am still Samantha Wilson and Samantha Wilson is an amazing person who's going to do amazing things.

The End

24 Hours in HellTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang