Hour 23

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I pop my head out of the computer lab door and look around like a spy.

My side didn't hurt anymore and I'm going to assume that that's not a good thing.

I take small quiet steps out of the lab.

"Sam, what are you doing?" Cole asks with a laugh.

"I'm-I'm being a spy," I answer seriously. They just blink in reply.

"Okay then, let's get going then. Sorry Special Agent Wilson, I'm taking the lead," Cole jokes. I roll my eyes and walk along with them, pouting.

We had figured out a way to get hack into the broken computer and unlock the East Wing doors. I would've choose the North Wing doors because they're the closest, but we could only get the East doors unlocked. And of course they were the furthest away. But closest to the crowd of people and police outside.

We continue to creep down the hallways.

While we walk, I load another round into the gun. I remember dad teaching me to do that for the first time. I miss him way too much.

I'll probably see him again if we don't get the hell out of here.

The truth is right now, I'm terrified of dying.

I'm not the most religious person ever. But if we make it out of here, I'm going to church every Sunday. I am beyond scared straight. Like way beyond it.

We peer around the corner. Aaron, and (the injured) Jackson. They had guns. BIG guns.

"I think we're gonna need a bigger gun," Bryant whispers.

So, of course, we made our way to the kitchen.

"I don't get it. What are we doing in here?" Cole asks.

Bryant opens the oven to reveal the arsenal of weapons.

Cole nods, "That should do it."

Bryant passes out a gun to each one of us and takes one for himself.

I gave Grant the pistol and took a big and bulky gun.

I give Grant a quick lesson on how to load and shoot.

"Only shoot if they come at you, understand?" I conclude. Grant nods.

"What if they come at you?"he asks.

"I'll be fine," I smile. My eyes well up, knowing he cared so much.

We quickly go over the plan again. We glance around at each other.

"Hey, everybody, listen. If we all die-" Cole starts.

"No," I cut off. My voice was shaky and my eyes were full of tears. "No chick flick moments. We're going to be fine. No making me cry."

They smile. It's quiet.

"We're not dying today. Today, we're going to be just fine."

"But what if we do?" Grant asks.

"Then we do... it's a part of life," I shrug.

"How, out of all the ways to die, would you like to do it?" Bryant asks.

I give him a half smirk. "Guns blazing." I walk out listening to Bryant mumbling behind me.

We end up right behind the corner of the doors. I take a deep breath and walk out into plain sight.

"Well, this has been fun boys, but I kinda have places to be," I sigh loudly, trying to make this as dramatic as possible.

"Where does a girl like you get guns?" Jackson asks.

"I was wondering the same thing. Where do girls like you find gun?" I shoot back.

"I'm not letting you out," Aaron state, cocking his gun.

The other 3 walk out.

"Oh I think you are," I smile with a head tilt. "Four against 2, Aaron. Who do you think is going to win?"

We both start firing at each other. That was until they ran out of ammo. I put a bullet in each of their legs.

I walk over to Jackson laying on the ground in pain. I squat down next to him.

"I just wanted to be loved," Jackson whispers.

I go into kiss him, but stop 1 inch away from his lips and whisper, "You don't deserve to be loved."

"I am sorry," he states.

"Tell that to all the people you killed," I say and pull back. I load the gun.

"Kill me," he challenges.

"I want to. Believe me I really do. But if I kill you, you die. You're put out of your misery. I'm going to do something so much worse; I'm going to let you live the rest of your life remembering all the people you killed. You don't deserve to die."

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