Back To The Basics

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Mom sits in the chair in the corner of the small hospital room while I change.

I throw on a navy blue shirt, a pair of skinny jeans, and, of course, my DC high tops. I throw my still damp from the shower hair up in a ponytail.

I glance over at Mom who was staring at me.

"What?" I ask in a raspy voice.

"Nothing," she replies quietly.

"What's wrong?" I ask, as loud as my voice can go( which wasn't very loud.)

"You're just so much like your father," she sigh, walking over.

She gently turns me towards the mirror, placing her hands on my shoulders and resting her head on my left shoulder.

It's quiet again as we stare at our reflection in silence.

"This is the first actual conversation we've had since dad died," I comment.

"I'm sorry," she apologizes. I just don't respond. "It's just- it's been hard-"

"You don't think it was hard on me too?!" I yell, but it wasn't really a yell.

"I'm gonna go get the car started. Finish packing up and I'll meet you outside."

I throw the last of my belongings in the bag. I stop when I see Grant's teddy bear that I almost died to save. I leave it out of the bag. And just carry it with me.

I walk into the elevator and push the first floor button. It doesn't take long for the elevator doors to open. I walk out the revolving door. It was rainy outside.

Mom's car pulls up. Grant, Cole, and Bryant step out.

"Look at you!" Cole exclaims.

"Look at me!" I smile as I spin in a circle. 

"God, Sam, you're so weird." He pecks my lips.

"I know," I shrug. He wraps his arm around me and opens the door for me. I climb into the the middle row of mom's mini-van. Cole sat beside me, Bryant in the way back, and Grant in the front.

It was quiet for the majority of the ride home.

"Jackson and Aaron are pleading not guilty," Bryant states quietly.

"What?!" I exclaim. "They can't do that, can they?"

"Either way, I found us a good lawyer," Cole sighs. "He was my parents. Basically a second father to me."

"What happens if they win though?" I ask

"That's not going to happen because we have enough evidence against them to win the trial next week," Cole sighs.

"But what if that's not enough?" I question.

"It will be," Cole assures. "I promise, it will be."

24 Hours in HellOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz