Hour 19

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The rain had come to a stop about 5 minutes ago. It made me sad and anxious and tense once again. For a while there everything seemed okay.

But I guess it wasn't. Not once it stopped.

Cole, Grant, and Bryant had fallen asleep. I'm still up and bored as hell.

There has to be a back up computer for the locks, right? I mean, what if something like this did happen? What would they do then?


What about the control box in the boiler room? That might have a control for the lock. And if it doesn't, what's the harm? They must be distracted with their so called "leader" injured. It's worth a shot if it get us out of here. Because I'm tired of sitting on my ass and doing absolutely nothing, but sit around waiting for someone to come and rescue us.

"Time to get up!" I say, getting up.

They all groan and open their eyes. I mock their groans.

"There's a control box in the boiler room. There will probably be a switch to turn off the locks. So let get up and go check it out," I nag.

They exchange tired glances.

"Fine, but I swear to god, if I get shot and there's not switch in that box and we all make it out of here. I'm suing you," Bryant grumbles.

"Okay then, Bryant," I snap with a small eye roll. "Let's go!"

I may have been shot and it may hurt like fucking hell, but that was not going to stop me from getting out of here nor will it make me any less quirky and weird.

I begin to venture out of the classroom with a small skip in each step.

"Sam," Cole starts. I stop and turn around. He had a big grin on his face.

"Yeah?" I reply with an even bigger smile.

He tilts his head a little and lets his smile grow even bigger. "Never change."

"Wasn't planning on it. Shot or not, it's not going to make me any less weird," I state.

"How do you like her?" Bryant whispers thinking I couldn't hear him. I just roll my eyes and shake my head.

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