Take Me To Church

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I walk down the street carrying my jacket, car keys, and backpack. I rub the whistle on my car keys between my fingers. I've carried the whistle on my keychain ever since the whole stuck-in-a-school thing. Figured you can never be too safe.

I round the corner towards the  church. I walk up what felt like a million stairs before pulling the door open. 

It was beautiful.  A small fountain of holy water was at the entrance. There were rows of benches with kneelers leading up to a small stage with an alter and a cross. 

It was peopleless. Honestly... it was kind of sad. I suppose it is a small town and most people don't go unless it's a Sunday.

But I'm here for something more than mass. I walk up to the third row from the front and take a seat. I purse my lips awkwardly.

"Um... hi," the priest says from the back. I turn and face him somewhat startled. He walks towards me and sits beside me. "I don't think I've ever seen on Sunday's."

I curl some hair behind my hair slightly embarrassed. "I'm not much of  religious person," I sigh.

"So why are you here?" he asks, truly interested.

"I guess, I'm seeking out some help," I sigh.

"You here to pray then?" he asks.

"I'm gonna take it for a spin," I shrug.

"I'll leave ya too it then," he smiles, pats my shoulder, and walks off.

And so I sat there for almost an hour praying- well trying to. I'm not sure if its working though.

After that, I sit there for almost another hour.  I felt safe there. It was nice.

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