Hour 9

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And now we're back to the place we started at. Back to looking around the school for some place to hide.

Occasionally, we'd hear a noise behind us and we'd stop and check.

Eventually, we found a home in the media center.

It was about 10:30 pm by the time we got settled. We were all tired.

We decided to take "watch shifts" so we could both squeeze in some sleep. I took first watch, but it didn't look like Cole was getting any sleep anytime soon. It was quiet.

I was currently crying, but trying not to let Cole know that I was.

"What's wrong?" Cole asks.

Well, that plan failed.

"It's my fault," I reply dryly. "I killed all of those people. They're dead because of me. Should've said yes. I could be in bed right now. Anna wouldn't be dead. Everything would just be okay if I had just said yes," I sob into my knees. I look up at Cole chewing on the collar of his letterman's jacket.

"It's not your fault, Sam," Cole states. "It a fucked up world, with fucked up people, who do fucked up things. There's nothing you can do about it. As much as you want to fix it, it's too broken."

He just made me more sad by saying that.

"Well now I'm depressed," I cry.

He rolls his eyes and drifts to sleep.

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