Hour 17

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My eyes flick open. I stand up. I look around. There was no Grant, Cole, nor Bryant in sight. A drop of blood drips down my chin and falls to the floor. The taste of metal fills my mouth. I spit on the floor. It was all just blood.

"Guys?" I ask quietly. I turn in a circle. "Guy?" I walk over to the labs, checking behind each one. "Guys, this isn't funny!" I was now yelling.

My breathing becomes heavy.

Did they really leave me? They wouldn't do thatWait, what if they're hurt?

I walk out in the hall. No one in sight.

At the end of the hall there was a large window. Our school has few windows. Not even the doors had windows. From the outside it looked like a prison. With electronic locks and everything.

Which right now it is.

I laugh at my own joke. Is that even okay?

I walk toward the window. The red and blue lights flashed through the windows. I place my hand on the cold window. That's when I notice I was still wearing Cole's jacket.

My hand balls up into a fist. I bring my arm back and hit the window. Then again and again and again.

"I just want out!" I sob and collapse onto the floor. Just being in the school was making me go insane not that it didn't before this.

I'm not dying here. Not at school.

Just the thought of dying at school gave me my second wind. I get up, wrapping my arms around my stomach for 2 reasons.

1. To hid the wound. As my mother always said, never let your enemies see you bleed. (My mother is not exactly mother of the year, it you couldn't already tell.)

2. Because it kind helped the pain by putting pressure on it.

I walk down the corridors filled with lockers and bodies. I hide the gun in the sleeve of the jacket.

It physically pained me to see all people just laying there. Not all of them looked dead though. Some of them looked alive, but weren't as if they were dolls or clay.

The worst part was I couldn't help. It feel like I was the one to kill them.

I flinch as I turn the corner to the next hallway, feeling as if I would see one of the boys. But no. There was a lot less bodies in this hallway, but the walls were still stained with blood.

I gently push the door open to a classroom. It was dark, but someone was in here. I just had a feeling.

I walk through the rows of desks.

I go to look behind the teacher's desk, but stop when the lights flick on.

"Hand's up all of you!" Jackson yells.

Grant, Cole, and Bryant emerge from under the desk with their hands up. I put my hands up as well, but don't turn around.

"Look at me, Samantha!" he shouts.

I really didn't want to look him in the eyes. I slowly turn around keeping my hands up.

"No, Sam. Really look at me," he says, angrily but in a calm way. He take big audible breaths through his mouth.

My eyes slowly wonder up to meet his. Nothing but hate and anger filled his eyes.

"I'm sorry," I meant to say, but it was more so a small squeak.

He shakes his head and chuckles, "You're just saying that because you don't want to die." He pulls a small pistol from his back pocket.

"You think I'm scared of dying?!" I shout. He looked surprised by my reaction. I was actually surprised by my reaction. The words just kept flowing though. "You'd be doing me a favor," I state. "You wanna kill me? Kill me, that's fine. I would've done it myself if it wasn't for my family."

Well now he knows my weakness.

He clenches his hand tighter around the gun and digs his nails into his palm with the other.

A cough tickles at the back of my throat. I purse my lips trying to hold it in knowing that if I didn't all that would come out was blood.

A smile creeps at Jackson's lips. He keeps his gun trained one me, but walks over to the desk.

"No please!" I sob. A cough and a few drops of blood shoots out of my mouth. "Please!" Now I'm just begging. "Please! Just kill me!" I take a breath. "Just kill me." It came out a lot calmer.

"No," Jackson smiles, "I'm going to do so much more damage by killing poor Grant." He cocked an eyebrow and his gun.

As did I.

He takes another gun out of his pocket. One was pointed at me, the other was at Grant.

"You are just full of surprises aren't you?" he chuckles.

"Go to hell," I shoot back.

"Oh sweetie, we're already there. The saddest part is you built this hell; I just gave you the building blocks," he smirks. "But as I was saying: First, you ask me to kill you, then you pull out a gun." He pauses to laugh. "You're one damn good actress."

"Makes it easier when you're not acting. It's called protecting what little family I have left."


"You're stalling," I state.

"Well..." he trails off.

I burst into hysterical laughter. Blood drips in a steady stream out of my mouth.

"You're not going to shoot me... or him," I gasp between laughs.

"How are you so sure?" Jackson asks confidently.

"Because if you were, you would have done it already," I state.

A gunshot rings through the room, but not from Jackson's.


It was in the leg. Luckily, he fell back and hit his head on a desk, knocking him unconscious.

Cole and Bryant were 5 steps ahead of me, already running out the door.

But Grant stood there looking at the boy I had just shot. I run over picking him up and running out of the room with Cole and Bryant.

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