Hour 7

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"When/if we ever get out of here, I'm going to kick these kids' asses in court," I state aloud, staring up at the ceiling.

"I'm sure you will," Grant sighs.

"Maybe I'll be a lawyer instead of a doctor. I have seen way too much blood for my lifetime," I continue.

"I think we all have," Cole chimes in.

"Sam," Anna says in barely a whisper. She was holding on by a thread. I doubt she was going to make it out of here. It would be a serious shock if she did given how much blood she's lost. "When you guys get out of here..." She sucks in a giant breath of air. "Make sure to tell my mother..." She takes in another. "That I'm sorry about dad... Tell her that he loved her... And tell her that he died because he loved me all too much."

I nod, pursing my lips trying my best not to cry, but failing.

"Sam, I'm serious. Don't let my mom live in a mystery the rest of her life-" Anna continues to ramble.

"Hey," I whisper, cutting her off. I brush a few brown strand of hair out of her face. "You're going to tell her yourself. We're going to make it out of here. We're going to get through this."

I didn't even believe it. By the look in Anna's eyes, she didn't believe me either.

"Please, Sam, just tell her that," she cries.

"I will. I swear on my grave, I will," I promise.

"That's might not be too long," she chokes out with a laugh. I just smile.

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