Hour 11

21 3 1

I lean against the wall trying to clean the bullet wound/stop the bleeding, but that wasn't working.

It looked like the bleeding was slowing down which made me think if it's stopping or if I'm running out of blood.

It actually looked like Grant was suffering more watching me try to clean my wound than I was cleaning it.

He sat staring at the hole in my body with Mr. Tedward held tight to his chest.

I look up at the English teacher's, Miss. Holton's, desk. There was a small sewing kit. I reach to grab it, but was at least an inch away. Grant notices my struggle and hands it to me.

"You're not gonna..." he trails off.

"Oh yeah, I'm gonna," I confirm.

I loop the thread through the needle and know the other end.

It hurt like hell. I had to hold back a scream every time I poked the needle through my skin.

I finish rather quickly.

I unloop the thread and take a breath. This next part was going to be 10 times worse than what I had just done.

I wrap the thread around my thumb and grip it tightly. I pull the thread away from my body.

"One," I whisper, "Two... three."

I yank the string to tighten it and close the hole in my body.

I didn't even try to hold back the scream.

That was probably the worst 10 minutes of my life.

"Where's Cole?" I ask Grant. He just shrugs in reply.

"Chem classroom probably," Grant answers. "Should we go find him?"

"No!" I blurt.

Not exactly sure how, but Grant had talked me into it.

He had to practically carry me.

He dragged me up the staairs and I don't really blame him for it either. I'm like 90 pounds and that's probably pretty heavy for a 5 year old that weighs 60.

"Come on, Sammy. We're almost there," Grant encourages completely out of breath.

He drops me.

"Can you please walk the rest of the way?" Grant groans.

I groan and stand up, but "can't."

"Help," I say with a pitiful look in my eye.

"Sam," Grant whines.

"Fine," I give and stand up.

Of course it hurt, but not enough that I couldn't get up.

I was just really tired and hungry, and I had already bled through the band-aid- or "band-aid."

I use the wall for support. It wasn't very long before we were walking into the Chemistry room.

"What the hell, asshole?!"I nearly yell at Cole.

"Oh my god! Are you okay?!" Cole exclaims.

"Not really," I reply. "We called you. You said you were coming."

"I never got a call from you," Cole defends.

I look past Cole when I spot a kinda weird kid in the background.

"Who's he?" I ask.

"That's.... Ben?" Cole says as more of a question.

"Bryant," the weird kid corrects.

"He's an 8th grader?"


"This is sad," I state, "This is really sad. But that's beside the point! We called you, but you guys never received a call."

"We never got a call from you," Bryant buds in.

"Yes! Thank you Bryant!" I smile frusteratedly. He put his hands up in surrender.

"So what? They hacked into the phone lines?" Cole asks, as Bryant walks over to stand by Grant.

"Probably," Bryant mumbles.

"Hey, Bryant. The adults are trying to have a conversation here. So would you shut your damn mouth?" I snap. I was just tired and scared. I'm not usually this mean.

At least I hope not.

Am I really this mean?

I turn to look at the 2 younger kids. They both shake their heads at me.

I just roll my eyes.

"You know, Bryant's probably right," Cole whispers.

He mocks the way I say Bryant, putting the emphisis on the name.

"Yes, I know that," I sigh, turning away from Cole. 

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