Hour 8

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"Anna's dead." I state, saddened.

"Yeah, and we all will be too if we don't figure out a way to get the hell out of here," Cole adds. I roll my eyes.

"Just... go get more beans!" I scold.

He shoots me a sarcastic smile in return. I just roll my eyes.

He walks out. Grant and I just sit there staring at Anna's dead body.

We're quickly snapped out of our trance when the door jiggles. Before Grant and I even have time to hide, the door flies open.

Grant manages to duck under the row of seats, but I was frozen in fear.

It wasn't Cole though. It was none other than Aaron Tyler the school's nerd/joke. He was friends with another nerd/jock, Jackson Grey, who I had declined to go to prom with.

I couldn't see his eyes very well in the dark room, but I could see that they were filled with hate.

I go to take the pistol out of my pocket, but Aaron grabs my hand, stopping me. He grabs my other hand and pulls me up. He shove me off the bleachers.

It wasn't a very long fall, but it was still enough to hit my head on the floor...hard.

"Damn," I mumble. I close my eyes using the trick I had told Grant to do.

I'm pretty sure he thought I was dead though, because he walked out with out a word, but how could a 5 foot fall kill me?

Maybe he didn't actually want to kill me.

I just shrug and sit up. The world spins around me. It was like the feeling you get when you accidentily get off the couch too fast and you have to take a second to steady yourself.

A few minutes later, Cole walks back in with about 15 cans of beans.

"They know where we are!" I yell, frantically pushing the first-aid kit and Mr. Tedward into my backpack.

"What? Did they come?" Cole asks, dumping his armful of beans into the bag.

"Yeah, they think I'm dead," I rush.

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