The Trial

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"Don't dress to flashy. This is court; not a party. Look as professional as you can. Girls: dresses, skirts, blazers, anything along those lines. Boys: Suit, ties, khakis, along those lines. Trial starts early; 7:30. Be there by 7."

Those words ring in my head as I stare at my reflection in the mirror.

I smooth over the red and blue striped dress. It went down until a little above my knees and the sleeves were 3/4. I decided to do something different with my hair so I wore it in a low side ponytail that rested on my right shoulder.

My eyes break apart from the mirror and I walk downstairs.

Mom had made pancakes, but I wasn't really all that hungry. So I just stared at the plate.

"Mom?" Grant asks from behind. "Does this look okay?" Mom opens her mouth to answer, but I cut her off.

"Look how handsome you look!" I exclaim, walking over and hugging him. "You gonna be my date to this thing?" Grant's smile couldn't be bigger. He just nods. "Alright, let's go."

I'm pretty short so he could easily link arms with me.

We climb into mom's car as she follows us to the car. She felt that I shouldn't be driving for a while. So she's our chauffeur for the time being.

Cole had left earlier because he wanted to stop by and talk to Bryant.

Just climbing out of the car at the court house gave me anxiety. All the cameras and people and questions made my stomach turn and my heart race. I just ignore the questions and cameras. I open the door to the building. It was pretty empty in there. I walk down the hallways and into the court room.

There was quite a few people in there. The number mainly consisted of family and friends of the people who had died at the school. There was also some of our families obviously. Then there was Jackson and Aaron with their lawyer  and Cole and Bryant with ours.

I walk down the elsie not noticing Grant was already up at the table. I follow quickly, keeping my eyes on the ground.

"Hey," I greet, walking around the table. 

"Hey," Cole replies. He stands up, leans over, and pecks my lips. I walk the rest of the distance around the table. Bryant sat in the chair next to Cole. I look down at him.

"You've got 5 seconds," I warn. He quickly gets up and scoots over a chair. I take his place. " You made the right choice."

"Yep," he sighs.

"You sure ya still love me?" I whisper jokingly to Cole. He rolls his eyes.

"Unfortunately," he teases.

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