Old friends

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All I hear is the sound of muffled voices almost as if I was under water. They sound urgent almost scared. Who are they? Why are they worried? NEAH.

'Hey, NEAH? Are you there?'

' Yes ALLEN-chan~?'

'what's going on where am I?'

'you are in the ocean of your mind...'

'Oh...but why am I here? All I remember is hearing a strange song and then I ended up here.'

' That is because I wanted a word with your new profound friends~'

' How?'

' you see Allen-chan, I can take over your body for a short amount of time.'

I look at NEAH alarmed I don't have control over my own body?! As if he could read my mind he tells me.

' I'm sorry I scared you didn't I, ok from now on I will ask permission ok ALLEN-chan~?'

' I guess ... but how will I talk to you?'

' just look in any reflective surface ok?'


I waited in my mind for what felt like a few minutes.

'all done Allen-chan~'

As he tells me this I see a white light blind my vision and I'm brought back to reality. I look around to see kanda glaring at me and lavi with a serious face looking intently at me. I begin to fidget under the intense stares that are placed at me. My ears lower in nervousness and my tail takes a subtle swish of anxiety.

"Allen?" Lavi snaps out of his thoughts at the sight of me fidgeting.

" Yes, L-Lavi?" I stutter scared of what's to come.

" Wanna come into my house? old panda is cooking up some stew." Lavi points to a brick house behind him. Kanda quietly wraps his tail around mine in comfort I begin to put ever so quietly but kanda heard it and blushes a light dusty pink. The brick house has a few vines creeping up the side of the building. And a few windows that looks never used.

" sure..." Kanda and I slowly follow behind tails still connected. As we enter lavis humble abode I observe that it is filled with books and paperwork everywhere my ears perk in curiosity. As we continue through the house I smell something unfamiliar but good. I sniff into the air.

"Is something wrong MOYASHI?" Kanda asks suspicious and slightly concerned.

" There is another being 20 meters ahead." I say as my ears pin back in suspicion and fear.

" I know." Kanda says softly. I forgot he has the same abilitys as I for we both went under the gene transfer experiment.

" don't worry guys it's just panda ji-ji." Lavi says entering what I presume is the kitchen. when I look around I see that there is a old man about my height with tall gray hair and traditional Chinese clothing stirring something in a pot. The floor was wood and ceiling had a chandelier hanging above us. When the old man turned around he had black eyeliner circles around his eyes. He brought three bowls of the stuff in the large pot over to us.

" k-kanda?" I ask looking at the mixture in the bowl suspicious, and embarrassed

" What moyashi?" Kanda glares at me.

" wh-what is this?" I ask indicating to the bowl.

" food Baka moyashi." Kanda said trying to sound annoyed, nut I could hear the proudness in his voice for being able to teach me something. I blush and nod.

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