Stay by me...please

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It's been 8 months since kanda has allowed me to call him by his first name. we have been moving every two weeks to a new place to hide from the NOAHs. We have been lucky with how there haven't been any run ins with any of them since our meeting with Tyki. Kanda has become more protective of me recently. He won't even let lavi too close. Today is another moving day. The weather is becoming colder as fall approaches. Lavi was chossen to take us to a new place. He said he met someone a little while back and it would be safe at their house.

" Lavi how much farther?" I ask stifling a yawn. Kanda pulls me closer.

" Just a little bit longer. See that cabin up there?" Lavi asks pointing in the direction of a lone road leading to a smallish house/cabin. My eyes light up at the thought of finally arriving. I run up to the cabin desperate for sleep but before I could get too close I am stopped by a giant robot blocking my way. I stop wide eyed. Flash backs started from when the NOAHs would use different robots and machinery to torture me or experiment on me with. I freeze up as I stare up at the piece of machinery tears flow from my face. I begin screaming.

"AgHgHgHgHgHgHhhGggghhGGhGhG!" I grip my head and curl up in a defensive position. The next thing I know I hear crashing and Kandas voice.

"'s ok now it's gone. They aren't ever going to hurt you again. They aren't here. Shhhhhhhh. It's ok." Kanda hugs me tight while whispering soothing words in my ears.

"Hey Yu! What's wrong with the moyashi?" Lavi asks confused.

" First. . . .NAME. BAKA USAGI! Second. It's not my place to tell you." Kanda states while rubbing my ears in a comforting manner.

"Lavi? Is that you?" I hear a female voice squeak.

"Hey Lena-lady! We need a place to crash for about two weeks." Lavi says getting straight to the point.

" Sure let me just ask nii-San" the girl goes into the house and retrieves a man with black hair and glasses. He wears a lab coat and carrys a clip board. I tremble at his choice of clothing. Bringing up more bad memories. Kanda holds me tighter and hisses at the new comer.

" Hello Lavi. It's been a while! You and your friends needed something?" The man asks.

" Yeah hey komui, we need a place to crash at for like two weeks." Lavi scratches his head.

" I don't mind you but who are the others?" Komui asks suspisious.

" The one with black ears and tail is Yu kanda, but call him just kanda. And the scared white furball is Allen." Lavi introduces us.

" Why is allen scared?" Lenalee asks anyone who will answer.

" We should take this inside." Kanda says a he picks me up and carrys me inside. My mind still in shock. We enter the house and is imeadietly met with papers everywhere. 'It looks a lot like lavis house except with just paper...' I cling tighter to kanda.

" Is it ok to tell them moyashi?" Kanda asks as he looks at me for either approval or rejection. I give my head a slight nod to indicate the it is ok.

" Allen has been trapped in the NOAHs laboratory for as long as he can remember. They would always do torturous experiments one after another. They were cruel, and heartless. They considered him as a toy. A pet that could be trained. When I was caught by the guards out side they decided that my punishment was to also become a lab rat. The next thing I remember is meeting a scrawny moyashi inside a cage. He was then soon taken away for more experiments. After about three hours they came back to retrieve me as well. When they strapped me to the operating table I saw that the moyashi was torn open. The next thing I remember is being injected with a strange black fluid I then passed out. When I came back to I heard screaming and an intense headache. They twisted our genetics into that of felines. We managed to escape somehow. And now they are chasing us..." Kanda said as he clutched me tighter at the memory's of being strapped down and being injected with strange material.

" Thank you, Yu." I say for explaining it for me. I then see he blushed a little at me calling him by his first name. When I'm around him my stomach does flips and my heartbeat quickens, my temperature rises as well. 'I'm not sick am I?'

"I see thank you kanda for clearing that up." Komui says to kanda. He then turns his attention to me.

" I apologize for frightening you with my appearance. But I am mostly an inventor that is why I wear a lab coat. I mean you no harm." Komui tells me and reaches out his hand.

I slowly move away from kanda and expirimentally sniff the air towards komui. Just as I was about to touch hands with komui I hear a screech. I run back to kanda and hide behind him.

" oops sorry Allen I didn't mean to screech it's just that your so cute!" Lenalee says apologetically. I just nod but stay behind kanda.

" So is it ok if we stay here for two weeks top komui?" Lavi asks trying to get back on topic.

" I don't mind. Just stay away from my precious beloved innocent beautiful sweet little sister!" Komui states loudly as he hugs lenalee.

" Thanks." Kanda says quietly.

" No problem, you can borrow the spare room upstairs." Komui says pointing to a stairway. Kanda takes my hand and pulls me up to the bed room. I nod a thank you before being completely dragged upstairs. Kanda drags me to a room and closes it behind himself. He walks back over to me and picks me up and carries me over to the bed he lays me down then walks over to the door.

" get some rest." He says as he puts his hand on th doorknob.

"Yu?!" I ask frantic

"Yes moyashi?" He turns to look at me. Tears well up in my eyes but I hide it with my bangs.

"please... Stay with me...don't leave me alone..." I say as a few tears fall from my eyes. His eyes soften and crawls next to me in the bed.

"ok..." He pats my head and I then fall asleep being wrapped in his strong arms. 'He makes me feel so safe' I drift into unconcienss while cuddling close to him.





Bye~ from Kyla-chan!

Me: ALLEN-chan is kawaii!

lavi/allen: you have issues...

me: I know but at least I have Yu-chan! Right kanda?

kanda: erk! *chokes on soba*

allen: kanda you have changed... I guess you aren't that cold hearted Samari but a soft hearted girl!

kanda: what was that moyashi?!

allen: I said your a soft hearted girl!


me: don't hurt Allen-chan!

lavi: hey I wanna join the fun!

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