Those to protect

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" what do you mean protect me? Kanda are you ok? Are you feeling well?" I ask getting worried due to the fact that kanda is never like this. ' I wonder if he has some kind of sickness? I hope it's not deadly...'

"Of corse I'm fine BAKA! It's because I-" Kanda shouts at me but stops mid-sentence while blushing furiously.I pout at him.

"Because why?" I ask mad that he stopped talking.

"it's nothing a Baka moyashi like you would understand." Kanda snarks.

"How do you know unless you tell me BAKANDA?!" I shout at him then stomp away. Leaving him dazed. As I walk through the house I leave in anger. I decide to take a walk to blow off some steam. I am walking down a road as I mumble to myself.

"stupid kanda... He doesn't understand. He's so stupid to not realize anything that's right in front of him! At least I don't have girly hair!... But ...he does put up with me and he helped me escape... I bet he's mad at me...I guess master Tyki was right no one would want to be around a freak like me... It might be best if I just ran way..." I slowly started crying as I remember what Tyki said to me the first time I tried to escape.


" get away from me! I don't want to be here!" I scream at a agitated Tyki.

"Where would you go? No one wants a freak who looks like the spawn of satan. That is why we use you to experiment on because no one will care what happens to you. No one could ever love you, you are a monster, you are a worthless piece of junk, your only reason for living is to be experimented on. Even mana didn't love you. He pitied such a low life for even being born. So come back here and be a good pet!" Tyki said with cold eyes I look at him shocked. Maybe he is right. I hang my head in shame as I walk towards him.

"Yes master Tyki."

" Now that's a good little pet." Tyki leads be back indoors to my cage.

Tears stream down my face as I remember my life is worthless.

"That's right it is worthless. Especially compared to our precious Rhode." I turn around to see an murderous Tyki. I am speachless I sant to scream but who would save someone like me. I was about to apologise for running away when something cut off my airways. I then realize Tyki is choking me his glare even colder than I remeber. I tremble in fright as I try to gasp for air. I claw at his hand trying to get even a hint of breath in my lungs but drawing blood in the process. I was so scared. It felt like was going to pass out when I hear a familiar voice.

" Moyashi!" It's kanda. I know that if Tyki kills me I will be better off, I might even make kanda happier to not have to deal with such a annoying moyashi. I look at him in the eyes and smile as I mouth the words ' I'm sorry.' As kanda realizes what I say I pass out from lack of oxygen. I am laying In a black abyss.

' Am I dead?' I ask as I continue to float in the darkness.

' No you're just unconscience' I hear NEAH tell me.

' So I am alive?' I ask bored.

' For now, you have about 15 minutes left.' NEAH sounded sad.

' Oh ok.' I sigh.

' If you want you don't have to die.' NEAH tells me.

' How? I am being suffocated.' I tell him annoyed.

' Sing a song.' NEAH tells me.

' a song what type of song.' I ask

' you know the one. But remember when you use it, it contains tremendous power to heal and to destroy.'

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