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Kanda holds my hand as he leads me to another store. He already took me out for lunch, and we have been to three different candy stores. It's weird. Being in love. Being cared for. I look at kanda as he leads me to another destination. I smile in contentment. I feel so warm.

"Yu?" I ask

"what moyashi?" Kanda says not even glancing at me.

"where are we going now?" I fidget nervous.

"it's a surprise." Kanda smirks.

" Well are we almost there then?" I sigh

"yup." Kanda nods I hold his hand tighter.

kanda pulled my hand to lead me into another store. When we enter I am over whelmed by books I stare in awe. The warmth of he building heated up my cheeks. Kanda looks at me with a gentle smile.

" Pick something you like." Kanda wispers in my ear. A shock shot down my spine. The feeling wasn't unpleasent quite the opposite.

"r-really?!" I look at him with excitement. He just nods at me. I smile at him and say a quick thank you before I run to one of the large book shelves to search for a book. I scan through various titles. 'Narnia' "nope." 'Harry potter' "what is this?" "Nope." "Nope." "Nope." "Nope." "Aha what this." 'Grimmes grimmest tales the original fairy tails.' "I like this one." I say to myself as I bring the book back to kanda. He looks at me with a questioning look.

"Is this the book you want?" Kanda says to me as a are-you-sure kinda tone.

" Yes. Please. Is that ok?" I ask fidgeting under his gaze.

" It's what you want so sure." Kanda smiles reassuringly at me. He walks up to the cashier and tries to pay for the book but the lady in charge of the register just shakes her head no and says to just take it that its nice to see kids read. Kanda shrugged and returned to me.

"here you go sprout." He tosses the book to me.

" thank you Yu." I skip to catch up to him.

"Che whatever." He takes my hand into his and we start to head home.

We walk in silence down an abandoned road until I heard a strange noise. It sounds like whimpering. I look at kanda to see if he hears it to only to see that he isn't ther. I start to have a mini panic attack. Where is he?! Is that noise coming from him? Am I alone?! Where am i?! Questions shoot through my mind a mile a minute. The noise is louder this time. I begin to tremble. I slowly walk towards the woods where the noise is coming from. I put my guard up and ready my claws.

i stop walking when I hear an all too familiar voice.

"Hello Allen-chan~" I turn around to see...

" M-master R-Rhode..." My heart beats loudly from fear as I utter those few words.

" If your wondering why I'm alive. It's simple I'm not." Rhode said twistedly.

"B-But H-how?" I stutter.

" How could I leave my beloved favorite toy unpunished?" She giggles sadistically.

" But I didn't do anything I've been a good boy!" I yell at her but instantly regret it.

" Oh but you did Allen-chan you let NEAH kill me~" rhode spoke with venom.

"I-I'm s-sorry m-master..." I say with tears.

"It's ok Allen-chan you already received my punishment.~" she says smiling while patting my left ear.

"H-how?" I ask not wanting to know the answer.

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