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"it's ok it was in the past..." I say with a sad smile while remembering there origins. Kanda hugs me tighter. I giggle.

"Really Yu its ok. Come on I want you to meet narien then I have to go to work." I tell him with a small smile. He nods and turns to change cloths. As we both finish getting clean cloths on I hear at the door.

"You better hurry the fuck up or you will have to go straight to work you useless brat!" Cross says demanding and impatient.

"yes master." I say with my ears pinned back in annoyance and my tail swish angry as I grab a book that I bought from a store on the way up.

"come on Yu." I tell him with a smile as I grab his hand and race outside. We run down the street and make several sharp turns before I stop at a house that looked a little worn for its wear. I gasp for air and so doesn't kanda.

"did we really have to run?" Kanda asks me with his ears hung back in exhaustion.

"yup!" I exclaim with a wide smile. I walk up to the door and knock three times I then whistle three short notes. The door opens with a creak.

"allen?" A male voice asks suspisous.

"the one and only!" I say proud. Next thing I know I'm being toppled.

"we missed you so much! How was England? Ooh and Japan? And Timbuktu? Did cross be mean? ARE YOU OK?!" A teenage girl wails.

"yes Mina I'm fine the trips was extravagant and cross is his usual asshole dick face ness." I say with a small smile.

next thing I know I'm being lifted in the air. I hear a hiss and next thing I know I'm in Kandas arms being held protectivly.

"mine." Kanda growls.

"Yu you are embassing me..." I tell him but he just hugs tighter.

" Hey allen who's your friend?" Narien asks laughing at the hilarious display put before him.

"I am his lover. Kanda." Kanda narrows his eyes and hisses his next words.

" Oh so your the famous kanda the man to make my friend cry and wine about how much he missed you. Thank god your hear I don't think I could survive another time like that." Narien says nonchalantly.

"Narien!" I cry in embrassment.

"is that true Aren I made you cry?" Kanda asks to me in a wisper in my ear saying my name in his native tongue. I shiver of pleasure shoots down my spine. I mew at the breath against my ear.

"come on I thought you was hear to visit me!" Narien wines playfully. I instantly push kanda away.

"sorry I just wanted to introduce you guys and see you again I also have a job to do after you know the ones I do when k have to make double. I guess I got a bit carried away..." I laugh nervously.

"it's ok I was only kidding. So how long Ago and how often since your last?" Narien then turns serious.

" wow that sky sure is pretty!" I say trying to change the subject.

"ALLEN! How long ago and how frequent." Narien repeated with more force. I shiver at the sight of his glare.

" Last month... only when I see candy or if I hear certain names or if I smell something familiar..." I mutter quietly. Narien has a look of anger.

" What did I tell you about contacting me imeadietly when it starts up again huuuuuuuhhhh!" Narien pinches my cheeks.

"owowowowow! I'm sorry!" I cry out.

"It's fine it's not like you can control it.." Narien submits annoyed.

narien sigh then pinches the bridge of his nose in thought. I rub my cheek and glare at him softly. Kanda then leans into me and asks me a question.

"what are you guys talking about?" Kanda asks curious. Narien heard and instantly looks at kanda in desperation.

"heyyyyy allen don't you have a job to do before cross gets cross?" (a/n: lol cheesy puns XD) Nariens demeanor changed imeadiatly.

" Omg I almost forgot thanks Narien! Hey Yu can you stay here pleaseeeeee!" I beg rembering I have to leave early so I can get double than usual. I give him a quick kiss and hand Narien his medical book telling him it's for him then rushed away before kanda could answer. I run down the road and turn right to head to my favorite pub AKUMA 4. I walk in and sit down at a poker table giving everyone the sweetest smile that I could muster up. Then the dealer spoke to me.

"hey Neko. Are you in?" the dealer asks me I have been here for so long that I know all the dealers by name. This ones name is jermy.

time skip:(one hundred and six games later / six hours later )

"royal straight flush!" I yell triumphantly. I hear groans of sorrow of loosing again.

"another game neko?" Jermy asks while handing me my winnings. I won four times as much as normal so I'm sure master will be happy.

"no it's ok thanks jermy!" I say stuffing my winnings in a plain satchel that I brought with me. I wave good bye and start to head home. I see the full moon at full peak and stars shining brightly next to the moon. I smile softly at such a beautiful sight.

When i I finally reach the house I see my bedroom light on. Who would be up at 2 in the morning? I shrug and open the door to the house and am instantly met with a glass bottle being thrown at my head.

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