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Sorry for the short chapter TT^TT

Kanda looks at me suspiciously. I then position myself to be sitting cross legged with my hands in my lap. I smile up at him.

"Is something the matter Kanda~?" I ask

"Where were you? And why was you covered in blood?!" Kanda yelled at me.

" I was taking a walk. The blood is non of your business." I say nonchalantly.


"How is it your business Kanda?" I cock my head to the side while narrowing my eyes.

"It is my business if you are a potential killer!" Kanda yells at me. His words struck me I felt hurt. I clutched my shirt with my hand over my chest. I giggle at the thought of me being a killer.

"What are you laughing at?!"

"Just the fact that you think I'm a killer, that I will deny. But you never said anything about becoming insane." I smile at him very creepily. Kanda stomps over to me and slaps me across the face. I look up at him he has tears in his eyes but looks as though trying to hold them back.

"What have you done to the moyashi?!" Kanda screams at me.

"What are you talking about I'm right here." I say flatly.

"No your not the moyashi would talk to me maybe even cry a little. After he would smile and say he was feeling better! You are not moyashi! Are you NEAH?!" Kanda looks confused and hurt. I sigh. After Red and I merged into one I didn't feel as weak. But then an Idea struck me. Could it be that kanda...?

"Kanda did you ever have feelings for me?" I ask almost too quiet. Kanda blushes and fidgets.

"" Kanda hides his eyes behind his bangs. I feel terified so I laugh at him.

"HaAhHAHaHhaHahAahahhaHhaHahaHahaHahaA!" I hold my stomach for laughing so hard tears prickling my eyes.

"Why are you laughing!" Kanda seemed embarrassed yet mad.

"NO ONE CAN HAVE FEELINGS FOR A FREAK IDIOT! IT WAS PITY YOU FELT! NOTHING MORE!" I yelled at him. But take a deep breath as tears form in my eyes " I too have deep feelings for you. In fact I think i have fallin for you. And that is bad. Because if I ever get close to anyone they always ended up hurt, hating me,dead, or hurting me. Love is impossible for someone like me." kanda looks at me surprised.

I cover my ears and squeeze my eyes shut, I hear footsteps come towards me I prepare for the worst so when He hugs me and whispers in my ear I flinch and clutch his shirt.

"I love you allen." I burst into tears and hug him back. As he holds me I explain why I left for a walk, and how I found narien and how I was losing my mind. He just patted my head comfortingly and told me over and over that everything will be alright. We stayed in that position until I fell asleep in his arms.

"I promise never to leave your side my precious." Kanda whispers to my sleeping form causing a faint smile to grace my pale lips.

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