Sad ending!!!!!!

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'Why can't anything work out right? Why can't we have a peaceful normal life?! Is this our destiny? To run in circles like caged animals? I don't want to do this any more! I want yuu! I want to go home! I hate this I hate this place! Why? Why me? Why us? Why now?' Allen screamed to himself having a blindfold over his eyes but his feline ears help him indicate his surroundings. It was dark and cold. He was in a cage his old cage. it's familiar rust and mold filling his senses causing tears to spring in his eyes.

" Now now ally-chan be nice and we will give you a 2 minute break!" Tyki says sweetly. Allens tears increased. His body trembling in fear and from the sobs. This wasn't supposed to be happening. He was supposed to get some liquor for master with yuu and head home and cuddle until they fell asleep. Why was he back in this hell? Did God really abandon him?

flash back~

"hey moyashi where are we going?" Kanda asks tiredly. Allen looks at his mate. The cat-boy smiles before saying they where almost there. When they finally reached the liquor store they bought the required bottles and headed out of Said liquor store. As they walked down the old dirt road they connected their tails ,silky cobalt wrapped around smooth silver. Allen smiled as kanda blushes, he remembered when they were both still in the laboratory, and his yu would wrap his tail ever so protectively around his in a comforting manner. Allen sighed in nostalgia.

Allen is startled by the feeling of kandas tail slipping out of his and the unmistakable sound of a body hitting the floor. His sliver molten eyes widen in terror as he saw the reason behind his mates collapse. Tyki mikk. His body began to shake in fear and anxiety as Tyki held out a collar ready to put it around his neck.

Just in time Allen moved away from tyki's grasp. No he will not be afraid! He is older now! He is stronger than before! This time he will protect his mate Yu from harm! Allen's sharp claws extended and his innocent eyes clouded over in anger causing speckles of gold to filter in his irises. His skinned became a faded gray.

"Oh does ally-chan want to fight? Fine two can play at that game!" Tyki took out a gun. Allen smirked for he knew how to disarm guns from people with ease, but his smirk faded when he saw he gun being pointed at Kandas defenseless form. Terror filled allens senses.

"Hey what happened to your fighting spirit? Is something the matter pussy-cat?" Tyki's eyes gleamed dangerously.

Allen's stance stiffened as the sound of a pained groan escaped his lovers lips. Tyki's smirk widened as Allen felt something enter his neck. A needle. He was being sedated! The last thing Allen saw before his vision faded to black was his Yu's terrified eyes watching him fall.

End of flash back~

1 year later

He was confused and in horrible pain. His ears sore and his hands burning. Tears filled Allen's blindfolded eyes permeating the dark cloth with salty tears and blood. A scream rips from his rough throat as the feeling of burning metal cuts at his left eye. He was in so much pain! When will it end?! All he could think of was the pain and the seemingly endless hours ticking by prolonged by the torturous activities.

He couldn't even remember his own name. He does know that they call him 14. He doesn't remember what his face looks like, all he can remember is the feeling of his blood being drained from his body. The pain was slowly becoming numb. Almost like second nature, as if it is the wind blowing and gently caressing your face on an heated summer day, it's all he has known for his senses have seemed to synchronize with the continuous pain. He only remembers how to say three words now. 'Yes, Master.' For if he said anything else he would be punished so his mind erased all other knowledge for survival purposes.

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