The Unforgettable Woman

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"He seems a bit more lost than usual." I hear Faitan whisper.

 "What do you expect?Today is the day he regretted everything." Shalnark argues.

"Shalnark!You wouldn't mind keeping your voice a bit lower?" Pokunada elbows him softly.

"Although,he is right..." Uvo whispers.

A moment of silence was heard through the group.

"Remember her smile?" Uvo gives out a tired chuckle. "She considered all of us like family...We treated her like shit..."

"Uvo!This was for  the sake of the Troupe." Machi puts her hands in to fists.

"Wasn't she a part of it too?!" Uvo shouts back.

"Enough!" I yell.My voice echoes through the room.

Their eyes glued on me.I sigh softly and slowly I gather myself again.

Remember her smile?Who can forget a woman like you...Cheshire.

Twisted Love ✞ Chrollo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now