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"Kidnapped?" You shot up from your seat.

You were currently in an apartment room with Hisoka. Discussing what recently has happened.

"You stay away while I go back to base." Hisoka gets up from his seat and heads towards the door.


"They will begin to suspect me not you." With that he shuts door.

Chrollo kidnapped?

You hear a small vibration on the table. You hesitate to pick up the phone but you proceed slowly. The other end silent but only for a moment.

"/Name/ ?" You hear Leorio's voice, it was shaking. "We're the black car outside."

You walk over to your window, Leorio was right. A black car was waiting out the apartment. The rain was getting heavier by the minute.

"Get in the car, we're waiting."

"We?" There was a small pause in the conversation. Long enough for Leorio to hand the phone to someone else.

"We need you, /Name/." You hear Kurapika's desperate voice.

You hesitate for a moment more.

"I'll be right there." You finally say.

Twisted Love ✞ Chrollo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now