Badass nerd

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Korra rolled her eyes.

"Please. Photosynthesis is my abc's", she said.

Opal rolled her eyes.

"Just explain to me the equation".

Korra sighed. "Alright. Listen up dear child. Listen to mama".

Opal grinned, hugging her books to her chest.

"First off. The oxygen we breathe comes from plants. More specifically, the plant cells in the plant. What does a plant need??".

"Water and carbon dioxide", Opal replied, paying close attention as they walked.

Korra nodded.

"Right. Now. The sunlight hits the plant. The water, which is h2O, and the carbon dioxide, which is the CO2 part of the equation. When the sunlight passes through the cells it gets turned from 6H2O and 6CO2 into c6h12o6 and CO2, which is oxygen and glucose, you understand??".

Opal nodded. "Yeah".

Korra kept talking.

"So the sunlight goes into a cell. There the light energy gets turned into chemicals like ATP and NADPH. It also produces electrons. Now, when the sunlig by hits the cell, the electrons get what we call "excited. They get energized then the electrons move down electron transport chains. Which pumps H+ into ATP synthase which is found in the thykaloid membrane. You earned about the thykaloid and the grana and all that??".

Opal nodded. "Yeah".

Korra nodded. "Alright. Well, uh. The ATP is created into chemicals and into stroma. Then those chemicals are converted to oxygen".

Opal nodded, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, keeping her eyes on Korra.

"So. Where does the green color come from??", she asked.

"From the chloroplasts", Korra replied. "But that's for another day and another lesson. Think you get it now??. Cause I don't know if I made sense to you".

Opal made a face. "Kinda. I'm still a but confused. Korra laughed.

"Don't worry, kid. How about some time this week we study and I can go over with you with diagrams and pictures for your simple mind to understand??".

Opal lightly pushed her. Korra laughed.

"Thanks Korra", Opal said.

"Well", a voice said.

Both girls turned around to see their friends Wan, Kino and Ming standing behind them. They smiled. Wan wrapped an arm around them, grinning.

"How are my fellow nerds doing??", Wan asked.

"I'm good", Opal said.

"I'm so excited", Kino said, smiling widely.

"Hold up!!", a voice called.

The five friends stopped walking. Turning around, Korra smiled. She saw Bolin, Wu, Mako, and Asami. Korra felt a nudge on her side from Opal. Korra looked at her. Opal smirked at her, giving her a look. Asami was Korra's girlfriend.

Korra blushed. Asami and the guys walked up to them. Asami wrapped an arm around Korra's shoulders. Bolin squeezed into the group.

"Okay", he said. "Now continue on talking while I observe the smart people".

Korra laughed. She looked at Kino.

"Why are you excited??".

Kino beamed. "The Star Wars movie is coming out. Remember??".

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