4: The New Friend

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Draco's PoV

I've never felt so good, just sitting their looking at her. I loved the way she smiled and blushed when she was embarrassed.

I said goodnight and headed to my room, I didn't know what would happen next. If Pansy found out about our little friendship she would definitely hurt Bella! No, I can't let her find out! I need to protect her.

I couldn't sleep thinking about Bella! I tried to push the thoughts out, I needed sleep tomorrow will be an eventful day!
Bella's PoV

I heard my alarm go off, yes I know muggle invention! I happen to find muggles fascinating. Anyway I was actually excited to start my first day of 7th year. I know have a friend Draco, and I hear there was a new girl coming to join for her 7th year. Maybe I can try to befriend her.

I jump out of bed full of excitement thinking about how maybe this year won't be so bad! I ran into the bathroom to get ready. I did the normal routine.

I walk toward my wardrobe, brush in hand trying to brush out my blond hair. I picked out a pair of blue jeans, and a nice grey shirt. I followed that with my school uniform robes. I ran over to the mirror happy with my look, but decided to put on a little makeup! I don't really have much but I actually enjoy using it once in a while.

I grabbed my bag making sure everything was in it. Parchment, quills, textbooks, and of course books!! I love reading! 

I was all ready, I headed to the common room to see if Draco wanted to walk to the Great Hall with me. But he wasn't there, he probably left already!

I ran out of the common room, and into a busy hallway. Everyone seemed to be heading to the Great Hall so I followed. I noticed Draco a little ahead of me. I started to walk over to them.

"Hi Draco" I said as I started to walk next to him. "Don't ever call my Drakie by his first name. Don't even speak to him." Pansy nearly yelled! "Come on Pansy let's leave this not worthy of being a pureblood alone. Why don't you go do what your best at; being lonely." Draco said with smirk. I could feel a tear escape my eye.

"Looks the little girl is as weak as her dead father!" Pansy hissed. Now I was crying, did she have to bring up my dad. I started to get a flash back:

Flash Back
I watched as Voldemort approached my father. My mother and I were hiding, she was holding me back.

I was feeling a mix of emotions scared, angry and sadness. I was silently sobbing as I saw Voldemort lift his wand and point it at my dad. No he wouldn't, my dad did nothing wrong.

Voldemort said the two words that still haunt me- "Avada Kedavra". Those two simply evil words killed my dad, one of the only people I trusted. "NO!" I screamed. It was useless Voldemort apparrated away smiling; seeming satisfied with himself. My mother released me, and I ran to my lifeless dad. I knelt down next to him crying harder then I ever had. It felt like I lost a piece of my heart. I would never forget this.

My mother and I will never be the same.

End of Flash Back

I was now leaning against the wall crying, reliving the moment in my head. Students and teachers passed but no one seemed to care! I was used to it only my mother cared for me.

Pansy and Draco were still watching me. "Archer that proves you right for messing with the Slytherin. Don't ever talk to us again. Your just as pathetic as your dead father!" She sneered. Now I was angry, as well as sad.

"Just leave me alone. Don't worry I won't ever cross your path! You were meant for each other both- heartless, and nasty people. Have a nice life together." I walked away. They just watched seeming happy that they made me a complete mess. I thought Draco wasn't bad, maybe I was blinded by love. Wait do I love Draco? On I can't love him, look what he did to me.

I walked into the Great Hall, both Draco and Pansy were laughing together. Pansy looked at me, and then towards Draco. She began snogged him right in front of me! I didn't know what I was feeling; jealous. Did I want to laugh, talk and just be with Draco. But that will never happen!

I sat at my usually seat at the end of the Gryffindor table. I saw a girl start to approach me, I think she's the new girl!

"Hello I'm new. My name is Gina Edwards! Is this seat taken?" She said, with a genuine smile. I kind of already like her! She seemed very nice, maybe I can finally have a friend.

"Oh hi. No it's not! I'm Bella Archer! You must be the new girl?" I replied. "I am. Thanks for actually talking to me! I've asked a bunch of other students and they just ignored me! Want to be friends?! Sorry I'm rambling, I just thought you were really nice, and I've never really had a really friend before!" She said and laughed, I joined in.

"I'd love to be friends. I don't really have any friends either, I guess I'm not the only one who has trouble in the friend department."

We sat there talking for a while. I actually have a friend! Professor Mcgonagall gave us our class schedule. Me and Gina have some classes together!

We all exited the Great Hall and went to our first classes!
Hi! Sorry it's so long I had a lot of ideas, the plot will start to pickup soon! Please like and comment! I like reading feedback.
What will happen to Draco's and Bella's friendship?
I will be posting after Christmas so, hope all of you have a great holiday!

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