13: Betrayed

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4 Days Later
Gina's PoV:

I still can't believe Pansy, the nerve of her. Hurting my best friend, she still hasn't woken up. I've been really down lately, Seamus hasn't left me alone. He's been trying to make me fell better, and doesn't judge when I get on rants about how I'm going to destroy Pansy.

I visit Bella everyday and she doesn't seem to be getting better. Its Friday and Im trying to get through the day so I can go see her again. I've talked to Draco he seems really upset about the whole Bella thing. He explained how it wasn't him snogging that girl. Some one used a polyjuice potion.

I noticed that Draco really loves Bella. He hasn't even left the hospital wing. I walked with Seamus during our free period to collect Bella's work, she will panic when she finds out how much she's missed. Typical Bella!

"Hey don't worry, she will be okay." Seamus said sweetly lifting up my chin to meet his green eyes. He planted a small kiss on my lips.

"Thank you, your the best!" I replied. "How about we quickly get Bella's stuff and go hang out before class!" I said excitedly.

"Why not! Let's go." He said grabbing my hand and leading me to the classes.

3 pm after class

Finally classes are over and I was headed to check up on Bella. I haven't seen Pansy at all these last few days. Which is better for her or I would have hexed her. But to speech of it I haven't seen Ron around either.

I talked to Hermione and Harry they said he has been skipping classes, and has become very distant. Harry has been very worried about Bella. Their friendship is kind of strange. They have a very meaningful connection.

During the war they were close, despite what everyone thinks. Harry and Bella were trapped together at the Malfoy Manor. While Bella was being tortured Harry saved her. He was also there when her father was killed. They don't really talk because it just brings back horrible memories. However they still cared for each other deeply, in almost a sibling kind of way.

I walked through the door to find Draco reading to a still unconscious Bella. Aw there so cute together. "Hi. How is she?" I asked to a startled Draco.

"No change. Madam Pomfrey said she is slightly getting better. We just have to hope and be patient." He said trying to sound positive. I noticed how he looked over at her with a sadden look but still full of hope.

"She will wake up soon. Don't worry." I said holding back tears. I've only known Bella a month but I feel like we are sisters.

"Yeah I hope your right." He replied with a small smile. He looked tired and stressed. He must not be getting good sleep, sleeping in here.

"I got to run. Are you sure your okay?" I said nicely.

"Yeah. I'm good." He replied. I headed out the door. "Bye."

"Bye. Good night." And with that I was out of the door.
Harry's PoV:

Why does everyone I love always get hurt. No I don't love her like that, more like a sister. She has no idea how much she helped me through the war. I hate myself everyday for being so distant.

As soon as she wakes up I want us to get close again. We connect in a meaningful way. We both went through hell during the war. I lost Sirius and she lost her dad. We were there for each other. One of my worst memories is watching her being tortured and not being able to help.

Anyway I'm walking to my next class but I'm also looking for Ron. I saw the light on in an empty classroom so I decided to check it out. I walked over and pecked in.
I couldn't believe what I saw.

Ron and Pansy whispering to each other. The only thing is could make out was Pansy saying "We will destroy her!" And Ron simply nodding in agreement.

How could he? I thought we were friends, why would he want to hurt Bella. Yes she's dating Malfoy, but he makes her happy. I need to tell Hermione and Malfoy.
Draco's PoV
I was sitting in my chair when a frantic Potter ran in.

"Okay Potter. I know your excited to see me but calm down." I smirked.

"Not now Malfoy. I know who's trying to destroy Bella!" He said out of breath. I don't understand, why are people out to get Bella. What has she ever done to any one.

"Well spit it out!" I snapped. I don't mean to sound rude but does he not expect me to care.

"Ron and Parkinson. I overheard them in an empty classroom. Parkinson said she wanted to destroy her." He said, his eyes panning down to Bella with a worried expression.

"Okay did she say Bella?" I asked.

"No but-" I cut him off. I know he was probably right but I hated the fact that people were out to hurt her.

"Malfoy the facts are all there. Pansy all ready tried to attack her once. Have you noticed where we are standing? And even though I hate to admit it Ron has been very distant and secretive lately. Hermione tried to talk to him. He snapped at her and slapped her. Ron broke things off with her. That's not something the old Ron would do!" He screamed. Wow Wealseybee hurting his beloved girlfriend, that took him almost 5 years to get!

"Okay okay I believe you. But what do you suppose we do?" I asked.

"I don't really know! But when she wakes up we need to watch out for her. I don't think we should tell her everything. She be too upset when she wakes up." He replied. I sat back down and took Bella's hand in mine. They were still warm like they always were, still managing to warm up mine.

There was a few minutes of silence. "Do you really love her?" Potter blurted out. I looked over at him to find him staring and waiting for my answer.

"Yes more than anyone can understand. She was the only one who ever understood and saw past all my acts. I really do love her." I said quietly. Wow me being soft in front of Potter. Bella has really opened me up.

"Okay. But promise me you'll never hurt her." He said looking me straight in the eyes.

"Never" I simply said which seemed to satisfy him. Then I felt something which made my heart skip a beat!

I felt something or rather someone squeeze my hand gently. I looked over at Bella to see her sightly moving around. "Go get Madam Pomfrey! Quickly!" I yelled.
Hope you enjoyed. What will happen with Ron and Pansy. Please like, comment, and follow. It's greatly appreciated.

Least Expected LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora