33: Epilogue

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10 Years Later

"Kids, lets go. We are going to be late for aunt Astoria's birthday." I called up to Alvis; our oldest boy. He was 7 years old and brilliant like his father. I walked over to the twins room to find Evelyn and Ivy trying to dress themselves. Though unexpected, we couldn't be happier with our perfect little girls. Each 5 and full of energy.

"Draco honey can you grab Dax, he should be awake from his nap." I asked Draco. I don't think I could have asked for a better husband or father for my kids. Dax was our youngest only 2.

"Mom. Do you think Macie will want to play?" Alvis asked, he has a little crush on Blaise's and Astoria's daughter. It was adorable, they practically grew up together.

"I think so sweetie. Who wouldn't want to play with the coolest kid ever."

"Mom!" He said seeming embarrassed. I love these kids, our family is the most important thing to me. After our wedding, we were unstoppable. Our careers are exactly what we wanted. I got promoted to vice president in my department. Draco is working on a big case, which will most likely lead into a promotion. Life was really looking up, I have everything I have ever wanted.

My mom moved closer to us, since she wanted to see the kids more often. I still miss my dad everyday, but I know he watches over us and laughs about all these crazy kids running around. Astoria and Blaise got married and had Macie and Jackson. They are over a lot since all the kids are really close. As far as the Golden Trio and Gina, they have all become successful. Harry married Ginny, and Hermione married a man who didn't go to Hogwarts. Ron sorta disappeared after his years at Hogwarts. His family and friends sadden by his behavior, still opened their hearts to his friends and other families. Gina and I are still close and she has a little girl named Avery. Unfortunately she lost her husband to illness. Ava and Fred even have two kids, Lucas and Lucy.

"Mama." I heard Dax babble behind me as he sat in Draco's arms.

"Baby, come here!" I took Dax, Draco went to grab the girls. Alvis and I waited till Draco joined us in the leaving room. "Ready?" I asked, as we all apparated to the Zabini house.

"Group photo everyone!" Astoria yelled, as the multitude of people huddled together for a picture. After a bunch of bright flashes the large mass broke as everyone took their seats. "I would like to thank you all for coming. And I would like to just take a moment for us to take everything in. We have all gone through so much and the last few years have flown by. Look at all the changes and miracles that have happened. Look at all these adorable lively kids, and all the happily married couples. Even those not married, you have flourished in your careers. I'm overwhelmed with joy at how big our family has gotten through the years. Blood related or not, we are all connected in some way." Astoria said as most of us mom shed tears. We all raised a glass before we all went back into our small conversations.

Dax began to cry as it was time to change his diaper. I walked over to the nearest room as he started to settle down. Draco walked in as I finished changing him, and began to rock him.

"Everything okay?"

"Yep, he was just tired." I said looking down to see Dax falling asleep.

"God Bella, I love you so much."

"I love you too Draco. Is everything okay, that sounded a bit out of the blue."

"Yes it is, I just I know sometimes I get wrapped up in work, and forget to say it. Always know I love you so much, and I love our family. All my life I never expected to have such a perfect family, and now I do. All thanks to you."

"Aw Draco. Our family is because of both of us, those kids look up to you. Your are a great husband and father." He brought me close as he connected our lips. I laid Dax down as Draco deepened the kiss.

"Draco, I love you. We will continue this when we get home." I said pulling apart.

"Such a tease, I don't know how I'll make it till then." He wined. I laughed leaving the room and joining the party.

"Bye everyone, see you soon." We said as we apparated home. Draco went to put the already asleep girls to their room, as I walked to put Dax in his crib.

"Mom, can you tell me a story tonight with dad." Alvis said as I closed the door to Dax's room.

"Of course, lets go get into pjs and well meet you there." He smiled as he ran up to his room. I found Draco in our room as I changed into pjs as well. "So our little private time is going to have to wait Draco. Alvis wants to here a story before bed. I have the perfect one." I said as he looked disappointed at first, but smiled knowing that we would do anything for the kids.

"Okay, Alvis are you ready?" Draco asked tucking him in as we both sat on the edge of his bed. He nodded excitedly.

"Perfect, so where should we start. Ah yes. So there was this girl and it was her first year at Hogwarts. Let's say she was quite a reader, and practically lived in her books. Little did she know there was this boy who spent all his time reading every book she read just to find out what made her happy." I took a pause, as I realized the Alvis's eyes were becoming droopy. I looked over at Draco who had a huge grin on his face since he had recognized the story.

It was our story one that we would tell each of our kids and later grandkids.  A story about a boy and a girl who fell in love with each other through books.


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⬆️ Alvis ⬆️

⬆️ Evelyn & Ivy ⬆️

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⬆️ Evelyn & Ivy ⬆️

⬆️ Dax ⬆️_______________________________________Hey

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⬆️ Dax ⬆️
Hey. That's a wrap! Hope you enjoyed this part and the entire book! It's officially completed! I will be uploading one last authors message soon.

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