10: Confusion

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Draco's PoV

Before last chapters events...
I walked Bella over to where she was meeting her friends. I didn't want to let her go, if I could I would spend the whole day with her. Wrapped in my arms and reading to each other. I also wanted to go get a gift for her, I know her birthday was September 27. So it was coming up soon, this is the perfect time to get it.

"When ever you finish we can meet up again." I said. "Yes we can go get something to eat?" She was shorter than me which I found adorable! "Okay I'll see you later have fun." I said, kissing her quickly and walking over to find the perfect gift I had in mind.

I found this small custom jewelry store, and walked in. "Oh a Malfoy what can I do for you today?" An older man said to me with a bit a fear when saying my name. I hate how everyone thinks just because I'm a Malfoy, I'm doing to hurt them.

Only Bella understand the true me. I'm not the guy I was acting like. That was all a show for my father. Bella sees past the act, and that's why I love her. Yes I love her! Every time I'm with her my heart skips a beat. She doesn't even understand how much she means to me.

I wanted to get her the perfect gift. I now she doesn't care about price or value. For her it's the sentimental value, the thought but into the gift. I realized I hadn't answered the man. "I need to make a bracelet and its pair." I would give one to her and I would keep the other one.

1 Hour Later

I walked out with a bag that contained a beautiful bracelet. A silver chain with a snake wrapping around. The words "Forever Together" engraved in it. I also charmed it to glow if Bella loves me. And once she stops the glow will fade and die out. Mine does the same.

I began to walk down to where I figured the girls were. As I approached there was no one there. Maybe they did a bit more shopping?

20 minutes later....

I've checked everywhere but no luck. I hope they are okay? Maybe something happened! I caught up with Astoria and Blaise.

"Hey guys have you seen Bella anywhere?" I asked. Astoria glared at me, and Blaise didn't even look at me. What's there problem? "You now Malfoy I thought you were done being a player, and a bad boy. I thought you would be good to Bella. I was wrong. You deserve to be alone; your a nasty, inconsiderate, little git." Astoria screamed.

What the hell just happened? "Wait what's doing on? I didn't do anything to Bella! Where is she?" They didn't answer. I was starting to get really angry. First they get mad at me but they don't tell me why!

"Please guys what's going on!" I said my anger turning into sadness. "Wow Malfoy you don't have to play stupid, we all saw you snogging that girl! You now you really are horrible." Blaise spat out, grabbing Astoria and walking away.

Wait what's doing on! I didn't snog anyone! I was at the jewelry store. I need to talk to Bella.
Bella's PoV
Back at the castle
"I can't believe I was so stupid!" I cried into Gina's shoulder. "Oh B I'm so sorry!" She comforted me but nothing seemed to help.

I felt this tug at my heart every time I think about him. Gina tried to make me feel better. "G I think I love him!" I began to cry harder. Gina hugged me tighter.

I wiped away tears, I'm sick of crying. "Gina you should go meet up with Seamus and go to dinner. I'll be fine." I said trying to sound convincing. "Are you sure Bella?" She said hesitantly. "Yes I'm sure now go meet up with you boyfriend. Oh and thank you for being there for me!" I hugged her and gave her a reassuring smile.

She walked out of the room. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was a mess, mascara smeared everywhere, my hair was all knotted, and my eyes were all red and puffy from crying. I tried to distract myself but nothing helped.

My emotions changed from sadness to anger and back to sadness. I don't know how I'm going to get over him. All those now fake moments together, like our first kiss replayed in my mind. I grabbed a book from the shelf and began to read.
Draco's PoV
I entered the school and began to head back to my common room. As I turned to corner, I was grabbed from the back. Being pushed into a classroom a hand over my mouth. I was finally released.

"What do you want Pansy? What did you do and why does everyone think I cheated on Bella!?" I screamed. She seemed to be gathering her thoughts. "Well you see I need to get her away from you! You belong to me." She's absolutely insane. "Why don't you just leave me and Bella alone!" I screamed and tried to get out of the room.

I was to slow because she charmed me to stick to the floor. "Let me go Parkinson!" I was furious now. "Okay but first I have a few rules. If you don't follow them there will be consequences!" She grinned. "I won't follow any of your stupid rules!" I yelled.

"Oh you will unless..." She stopped. I don't have any patients for this. "Spit it out Parkinson!" "I will hurt her, and not just emotionally, but physically. So the rules 1. You will pretend to be my boyfriend. 2. In the hall you will defend anything I say. 3. You won't talk to Bella!" And with that she realized the charm and ran off.

I ran as fast as I could back to the common room. I needed to talk to Bella, she must hate me. As I approached the portrait door I could here talking and loud sobbing. Oh how I wanted to rush in there, hug and kiss her and tell her it was all Pansy. But I remember she would hurt Bella. I can't let that happen!

But the words I heard next would make that hard for me- "G I think I love him!" I heard Bella say in between sobs. What am I going to do. She must be heart broken. I have to fix everything because I love her back!
Wow! Very eventful, hope you enjoyed. Sorry it's late! Please like, comment, and follow!

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