20: A Sister?

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Oliver and I had spent about a half an hour starting our project, but lunch had ended. All the students were leaving the Great Hall and going back to finish their classes for the day.

"Okay well that was a good start, when should we meet again to work on it some more?" I asked. Oliver was putting some books back into his bag. "I agree, how about tonight in the Slytherin common room. At about 7, we can go right after dinner." Oliver replied.

I haven't been in there since game night, and I'm not ready to go back. "Um. How about you come to the Prefect common room, its way more quiet." I think he realized my discomfort, cause he nodded his head. "Yeah thats fine. Wait for me after dinner and we can walk together." He said. "Thanks, okay sounds good."

We left the library and went our separate ways. I walked to my next class, I saw Draco and Pansy walking the opposite way. Pansy saw me and glared, clutching onto Draco. Draco saw me and just kinda gave me a weak smile. I watched them fade down the hallway.

4 Hours Later

I finished up my classes for the day when I saw a second year Hufflepuff running towards me. "Mrs. Archer?" He asked a bit nervously. "Yes. Why?" I asked a bit curiously.

"Um, Professor McGonagall is looking for you. She wants you in here office right away!" The young boy said. "Okay, thank you..., ah." I said not knowing his name. "Tommy. Well no problem. Bye." He said and ran off.

I didn't have time to go to my room, so I headed directly to her office. I wonder what she needs me for? I reached her office and whispered the password, so no one hears it. The portrait door swung and the sight in front of me was very confusing.

"Welcome Mrs. Archer, have a seat." Professor McGonagall greeted me. I walked up and took a seat next to a girl my age, who seemed very familiar but I know I've never seen her before.

I quickly sat down in the seat next to the girl, looking up at Professor McGonagall waiting for her to speak. "So Mrs. Archer this is Dragon Malfoy!" She said with an excited voice. Wait, did she say Malfoy? "Malfoy as in Draco Malfoy's sister" I asked a bit confused.

"Yeah he is my brother." The girl said in a quiet sweet voice. What? How Draco never told me he had a sister? Since when? I must have had a very confused look, because the girl started to giggle.

"Please let me explain. My family wasn't vary fond of me. I was different and didn't live up to the Malfoy standards. I never became a death eater so you can guess that meant that I disowned my family. They sent me off to my cousins, but now since things with Voldemort have cleared up and father was sent to Azkaban. Mother can finally be herself and she ordered for me to be sent back. I'm now living with mother and Draco. It turns out mother was happy that I turned out different. She sent me away to be safe. Now we are closer than ever, Draco is still getting used to having his sister around. Mother decided I should come to Hogwarts for my final year." She concluded. Wow that's a lot to take in at once. Okay but what does this have to do with me.

"So you fit into this Mrs. Archer because you will be Mrs. Malfoy tutor and mentor. She has been going to a different school for some years now. But our school runs differently. You were chosen to help her with her studies, if needed. And you will also have to help her adjust. As you probably can guess she is in Slytherin." Professor added. My mind went straight to Draco, how is he adjusting to this. How will he feel that I'm helping his sister?

"Okay so let me get this straight you want me to help Dragon adjust and get into her classes?" I asked trying to clear up all of the information that has just been given to me. "That is correct. Here this is a copy of her schedule, and the other sheet is all her other information like house and things like that." Professor McGonagall said with a smile. "How about you two go to your dorm Mrs. Archer to talk and get to know each other a bit. You have an hour before dinner. So Mrs. Malfoy I hope you enjoy your time at Hogwarts, why don't you wait outside for Mrs. Archer." She added.

Dragon got up and said "Thank you Professor. Okay I'll be outside." As she left Professor turned to me. "I know your not in the best place with Mr. Malfoy but I thought of you when I was first told of her arrival." Professor knows about my issue with Draco, I guess people are right when they say that she knows everything. "Thank you professor. I have a question did you know there was a Malfoy sister?" I asked hesitantly.

"Yes I knew about her. However not many others know. You are the first student to know, so I want you to keep an eye out for her. Your are dismissed." She said giving me a curt nod. "Okay, I will. Goodbye professor." I said walking out to meet Dragon.

"Hi I never got to introduce myself. I'm Bella Archer." I said beginning to walk back to the common room, as she followed. "Hello. Do you know my brother closely?" She asked. What should I tell her everything, I don't want to lie. She seems very nice and she just wants to know about her brother.

We reached the common room, I said the password and we walked in. "Wow this place is so cool, is this the Head Boy and Girl common room. Yes I read up a lot about Hogwarts. Wait so if your Head Girl, who's Head Boy?" She asked. "Um, your brother actually." I said watching her facial expression change. "Really? Then you must know him?" She replied.

"Here sit down and I can tell you about him." She eagerly sat down. I decided to tell her everything because she deserves to know and I also "Okay well in the beginning of the year we were really close. We were actually dating. We have always liked each other, he was the only person who never bullied me. Then this girl Pansy Parkinson who is very nasty and has been in love with Draco for ever had kinda done bad things with him. We aren't together now." I was cut off by someone walking into the common room.

Cliffhanger! Sorry. Hope you enjoyed, I'm getting back into this story. I have tons of ideas for the next few parts. What do you think Draco will say??

I would like to give credit to fridabarraza , for the idea of Dragon Malfoy. It would be great if you guys would go checkout her account. She has a bunch of stories, which are worth checking out.

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