28: Exams

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"Bella! Your still studying? Did you stay up all night?" Draco said interrupting me. 

"Since we've gotten back from break, I've been reviewing. I need to do good on these exams. Last night I was brushing up on a topic that I didn't understand. I stayed up, I didn't even realize what time it was." I said yawning as Draco sat next to me on the couch. I laid my head on his shoulder, as he moved the books off my lap.

"You need to sleep Bella, take a nap you have about an hour before classes." He said as my eyes shut and I drifted off to sleep.


"So, Draco we need to organize the graduation, send out letters to all the parents, and finalize the party." I handed him a check list of all the things we had to get done.

"Well, all the letters are being sent out tomorrow, and everything for the party is all set up." He said which shocked me.

"When did you get that all done?"

"I know you've been stressed lately, so I decide to get some of this stuff done for you."

"Oh Draco. Your the best thank you. That takes a lot of my plate." I gave him a kiss. "Don't you have to study for your exams? We have our first exam tomorrow."

"Don't worry, I'm ready for tomorrow."

"I just can't believe this year is coming to an end, so much has happened. One being I finally ended up with you, which was like 7 years of waiting. Now its all ending, and I'm just scared for the future."

"Bella. Look at me, I'm not going anyway. Yes once we graduate things will be different but who knows what the future has in store. I know your definitely part of my future and thats all that matters. Even if our careers take us in different directions." He said holding my hand.

"I love you so much Draco. Oh and speaking of career, what are you thinking of doing after graduation? I was thinking of working in the Ministry of Magic in the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures department. I really want to work with protecting animals and creatures that everyone thinks are dangerous."

"I was actually thinking of working in the Ministry in the Department of Magical Law Enforcements. So, I guess maybe will be working near each other."

"I'm so excited! Is your mom coming to the graduation, my mom is dying to meet her."

"Yes, I asked her when we went to visit."

"You know my mom really liked you. One morning while you were still sleeping, we were having some tea. She said that she thinks I've made a great choice with you. I've never had many friends, or boyfriends. My mom has helped me through a lot, and knowing that she really likes you just makes me so happy."

"I'm so glad. At least we know our mothers approve, since we don't get much of that here."

"I don't need approval from anyone,  I know in my heart that your are the right person."

"I love you Bella." He said pulling me into a gentile kiss.


All the seventh years, rushed through the halls. Our exams were finally over, and graduation was only a few days away. Draco and I, along with our friends ran out into the courtyard and all began to cheer. We were done with classes, exams, and school.

"Never Forget Our Years at Hogwarts!" Everyone cheered. Hogwarts has been my second home, I've grown so much here. I learned to be independent, to love, and I even meet who I think is the one. 

"Hey B. What are you thinking?"

"That I'm happy, really happy."

"Good you deserve to be happy." He said putting his arm around my shoulder.

"I can't begin to explain how much you've changed my life." He smiled, and pulled me close. We kissed as everyone around us celebrated the end of exams.
Hey. Hope you enjoyed. I knows it's short, and a bit boring. It was meant more as a filler chapter. I need to have a transition part before a bunch of exciting and interesting parts are released.

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