21: Girlfriend

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I was cut off by someone walking into the common room.

Draco's PoV

I need to get away from Parkinson, I can't breathe when I'm with her. God I miss Bella. I opened the door and I walked into the common room. On the couch, Bella and Dragon were sitting and chatting. Wait why is my sister at Hogwarts? Bella noticed me and kinda seemed nervous.

"Oh hi, Draco." Dragon got up and walked toward me. "Hi, what are you doing here?" I said a bit too seriously. Both Bella and Dragon flinched. "Sorry guys that came out wrong. I'm glad to see you Dragon." They relaxed, and Bella seemed like she was hesitating.

"I should have talked to you before bringing her here," Bella said. That's the first thing she's said to me in weeks. Her voice was sweet and kind, but you could hear the sadness in her voice. The sadness in which I caused, which Pansy caused.

"No, it's no problem. It was just a bit of a surprise that's all." I said. "So how are you Dragon, how about mom?" I said trying to change the mood.

"I'm good, excited to be here at Hogwarts. I already have a great friend Bella, she's told me so much about Hogwarts. I can't wait to start." Dragon seemed so happy, I'm still not complete used to seeing my sister. But I know she was definitely happier than she was. I remember when we were younger, we used to be so happy but only when father wasn't around. She was always so good, as soon as father began working for Voldemort she was in danger. The night I got my dark mark, she was due for hers as well. She screamed and cried as Bellatrix pulled her into the room that we both dreaded for months. I was already branded, I sat in the corner with tears in my eyes. Watching Dragon struggle, Bellatrix cast so many spells at her that I was sure she wouldn't make it. She's strong but watching her, I felt so helpless.

Eventually, my father told her to leave the house and never come back, my mom helped her escape to one of her distant relatives. I never saw her until the war was over and father was sent to Azkaban. I missed her so much but when I ever I asked about her father would beat me.

"That's great Dragon. If you don't mind me asking how did you two meet?" I said hoping Bella would answer. And to my surprise she did, which made my heart skip a beat.

"Well um.. I was coming here and Professor McGonagall called for me. I went to her office and Dragon was there. I was asked to help her adjust and get into her classes. Now we were just getting to know each other." She said sweetly.

"Yeah, she's been telling me all sorts of things that have happened here over the years," Dragon added in with a big smile toward Bella. I wonder if she told her anything about us, and if she did how much.

"Well guys its about dinner time, why don't we head down," I said wanting to get a chance to talk to Bella some more. "Okay," Bella said but she seemed a bit out of it. On the way down to the Great Hall. I notice Oliver watching me and Bella, he was walking toward her.

"Hey, Bella what's going on?" He said eyeing me. "Oh, this is Dragon, Draco's sister. I was assigned to help her adjust to Hogwarts. We were just heading to the Great Hall." She said but she seemed nervous. "Oh okay hi Dragon. I'm Oliver." He said introducing himself to my sister.

We all walked into the Great Hall and split up. Dragon said her goodbyes to Bella and followed me to the table. Ugh I hate that Oliver. ________________________________
Bella's PoV

I walked to the table with Oliver. He seemed to be a bit ticked off that I was with Draco. For me I kinda liked talking to him, it's been awhile. "So are we still on for tonight?" he asked. "Yes of course," I said smiling up at him. I don't know how I feel, I really like Oliver. He's great, sweet but I still love Draco.

"Hey, so I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime. I know were going to the ball together, but I would like to take my girlfriend rather than my friend. So what do you say?" He said with a sweet smile. Wow, that was unexpected, but you know this is a step in moving on from Draco. I really like Oliver and it can't go wrong.

"Yeah, Oliver I would love to be your girlfriend!" I replied and his face lit up. "That's wonderful, well girlfriend what do you say we finish eating and go up to the common room early." He seemed so happy, and so was I. But I still feel like something is missing.

We finished eating and headed to the common room. As we walked Oliver reached for my hand, which surprised me.

3 hours later

We have been working on the project for a while now. It's been fun, Oliver keeps making jokes which crack me up. It was getting late and Draco still hadn't come back.

After about an hour of talking, we feel asleep on the couch, with my head on his shoulder. ________________
Draco's PoV

I walked around the school for a while, until I started to get really tired. The portrait door swung open and I walked in trying not to wake Bella. But I noticed something, rather someone on the couch. Oliver and Bella were asleep on the couch together.

She's so beautiful when she sleep, but Oliver doesn't belong there next to her. I do.


Sorry for the very overdue part. Lots have been happening with me. But I'm back, and I'm actually starting another story. It's a better ending and continuation of my favorite show Gilmore Girls.

So hope you liked this part. Please like, comment, and follow.


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