27: Proposal

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The next few days were spent visiting my mom and then going to Draco's house to see his mother and sister. While visiting Draco's mother I got a letter from Fred, which I've been expecting for a while now.

Dear Bella,

Heard about what you've been going through, and hope all is well now. Since I know your on break I was hoping you can come visit the shop. George and I have been planning a huge proposal for Ava. I want you and Draco to come and help out. I know that Ava would really love to see you. Send my mom a letter in reply, don't want Ava catching onto our plan.

Hope to see you soon, love

Fred Weasley

I was so excited, I hadn't seen Ava or the twins in a while. Now he's going to propose and I couldn't be more trilled. Sending a letter to Molly, Draco and I planned to stay at the burrow. Within a day we apparated to the burrow.

"Oh dearies, welcome back." Molly said engulfing us in a hug.

"Its been so long, I missed you." I said.

"Oh same here. But you better run along to the shop, Fred is waiting for you. I'll be there later on for the actual proposal. I really love Ava, and I can't wait for her to be part of our family." She said.

Draco grabbed my hand and we apparated to Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked Draco since he was acting a bit strange.

"I'm fine, I was just surprised that Molly treated me like family."

"Well if your with me you are family." I said giving him a quick peck before entering the shop.


"We've missed you." The twins said at the same time.

"I've missed you two too! Life gets a bit boring without twins around."

"Have you been to the Burrow yet?"

"Yes, we were just there."

"You didn't run into Ava did you?"

"No, don't worry. Oh my god I'm so excited! Ava and I have been taking about our dream weddings since we were kids!"

"Woah, woah. Slow down. Wedding not yet! First step is proposal. And if she says yes, than well plan the wedding of her dreams." Fred said laughing.

"Are you kidding? Of course she'll say yes! She's been in love with you since you first started going to school together." I said making Fred blush. Draco stood there a bit awkwardly as we talked. I wish he felt comfortable around everyone. On the other hand, I get what he feels. Not knowing where you stand.

"Draco, while Fred and Bella discuss the proposal. Want to come help me run the shop? We could possibly use another member in our prankster club!" George said, making Draco lighten up a bit.

"Yep sounds fun!" Draco said following George to the back. I gave George a thankful nod as I knew he would be making Draco more comfortable.

As the next few hours flew by, the plans were ready. Everyone would meet at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor, which is where they meet as kids in there first year at Hogwarts. It will seem like a usual date night. Little does she know that we reserved the place for the afternoon. They go in and as she eats her ice cream she'll find a little surprise magically hidden in a box in her cup. It will be very unexpected and so cute as everyone runs into the parlor as she realizes what is happening.
------ Half Hour Later ------ Fred's PoV

"What a nice day for an ice cream, don't you think?" I said as I opened the door to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor for Ava.

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