12: The Hospital Wing

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Draco's PoV

Pansy had disappeared from the bubble. I ran to Bella, who wasn't in good shape. You could see she had broken bones, and there were cuts and bruises everywhere. She was loosing a lot of blood, I need to get her to Madam Pomfrey. I grabbed her and tried to sit her up against me. I didn't want her to go unconscious. "Oh Bella. Im so sorry." I cried. This was all my fault, I put her life in danger. It looked like she tried to say something, but she fell unconscious.

I removed the bubble and the room filled with gasps, as they all saw a lifeless Bella in my arms. Snape walked up to me, and I hear Weasley shout "Malfoy were you trying to kill her?" I wiped the stray tears from my eyes and glared at him. "Mr. Malfoy what happened?" Snape said calmly. "I-It was Parkinson. She put up those bubbles. So it seemed like nothing was happening. She throw her in the air and used the Cruciatus Curse on her several times. Then she ran out and B-bella is unconscious now."

"I will go talk to Professor McGonagall about Parkinson, you go run to the hospital wing." Snape said reassuringly. I gently picked up Bella and headed out the door. I heard whispers about how I cheated and tried to kill Bella. I was determined to prove I did nothing wrong to Bella.

I opened the door to the hospital wing. "Madam Pomfrey." I shouted, through sobs. She came frantically running out of her office. "Oh my. Set her down on this bed. Please tell me what happened." I gently put Bella on the bed and began to explain everything Parkinson did to her. "Oh one of the unforgivable curses. The poor girl, I'm going to clean up the cuts and bruises first."

I sat in the seat next to her and held her hand, while Madam Pomfrey whispered healing spells which caused the cuts, and bruises to disappeared. "Okay well she has a broken arm, and few broken rips, and a twisted ankle. The mending process is long, complex, and painful." She told me. I looked over at Bella, she seemed so vulnerable, and fragile. I wanted to just hug her and tell her everything would be okay.

"Okay we need to be prepared, many wake up during the mending process." She said a she waved her wand and began to say the mending spells. I heard cracks and sounds that weren't pleasant. I saw Bella began to move slightly and she opened her eyes. They were blood shot and you could see the pain filling them.

"Mrs.Archer I was just mending your broken bones. This processes is painful so just take deep breaths and relax." She told Bella, who only seemed to get nervous. Madam Pomfrey continued mending the bones. Bella shut her eyes and I noticed tears streaming from them. I grabbed her hands and she seemed to relax a bit. "Okay and now your ribs." She told Bella.

We heard cracks and Bella let out a weep. She begin to cry and fell unconscious again due to the pain.

7 hours later

Madam Pomfrey left for the night and Bella was still healing. She hasn't woken up yet, but I haven't left her side. A few of her friends visited her and gave me a chance to explain. Everyone believed me except Ron who said nothing but looked at her with a guilt expression. Gina came to visit and stayed with her for about an hour. She left all sorts of candy for Bella when she wakes up.

It was 10:47 and I was just a boat to fall asleep when Parkinson walked in. "GET OUT NOW." I said loudly enough for her to hear. "You have no right to be here, you caused her to be in here." I glared at her. "Oh Drakie I just came to tell you that you can come stay with me. You can drop the act of pretending to care about the filth." she said, the nerve of her. "I LOVE HER! Don't you dare say anything else. Just go and don't talk to me." I screamed. Wait, did I just admit that I love Bella out loud! Yes I love Bella.

"Okay Drakie see u tomorrow. Your just tense." she said. "Don't call me that!" and she walked out. I hate her for what she's done.

I cleared my head and fell asleep right next to Bella.

Ron's PoV

I walked into the hospital wing with Hermione and Harry. I saw Malfoy sitting next to Bella looking sad. I felt a bang of guilt wash over me. This was partially my fault, I wanted Bella and Draco to split up. So I can get with Bella, while Pansy gets with Draco. Now there closer than ever, and Bella nearly died.

Wait why am I guilty, Malfoy should be sad and hurt. He got a taste of his own medicine. Bella is stupid to fall for that git. When she's better my plan to get her will commence. I will destroy Malfoy and the rest of those stupid Slytherin's.

She laid in her bed lifeless, and beat up. Wow Pansy really knows how to deal with her enemy's. Even beat up she's gorgeous, and I so wanted to snog her. A lot of people think I'm in love with Hermione but I'm not. She's quit ugly, a know-it-all, bookworm, and just annoying. I pretty much just use her to get good grades.

Hermione and Harry were kneeling on either side of Bella. Hermione was silently sobbing. We stayed for about tens minutes. It was getting late so we all headed back to our common room. "Oh I feel so bad for Bella, Pansy deserves to be put in Azkaban for using to Unforgivable Curses." Hermione said. "Yeah, I wonder if she's gotten in trouble yet. Bella looked so fragile and hurt." Harry added. "I've never seen Malfoy so nice and caring before. He must really love Bella, I guess he has changed." Hermione blurted out, Harry nodded agreeing.

This was ridiculous. "Malfoy is still the same evil, git he has been for years." I shouted. "Ron relax, I'm not saying lets go be besties but, he has clearly changed." Harry replied to my outburst calmly.

We went to our separate rooms, and I began to plan my next attack.
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