14: Nightmare

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Bella's PoV:
Unconscious Mind

I hear voices and people talking, it sounds like Hermione and Harry. Why can't I open my eyes! It's like something is pulling me back. 

I now hear Draco reading to me. I want to get out of this, is like I'm suffocating.

Please help me! I'm having a nightmare while unconscious, that's odd!

I saw him, Voldemort holding Draco up against the wall. A deatheater holding me back, no I can't lose him too! I looked over at my lifeless father. Not another one.

"Let him go!" I screamed. He only laughed in response. He lifted his wand slowly to reach Draco's neck.

"I love you Draco. I'm so sorry!" I screamed through tears, as the deatheater holding me pulled me tighter.

"I lov-" he was cut off by a shot of green light that quickly ended his life.

"No Draco!" I yelled using all my force to escaping the grasp of the man holding me. I ran to the lifeless Draco and kneeled down next to him. I sobbed into his shoulder.

I turned around to see Gina and Harry being brought to Voldemort. "No!" I screamed.
I shot up in my bed. I saw Draco and Harry jump in surprise.

"Bella!" Draco said pulling me into a warm embrace. I was still sobbing into Draco's shoulders.

"Bella are your okay, how do you feel? You've been under for almost a week. " Harry said. A week! But I still couldn't get that dream out of head.

"Draco my head is pounding." I said, Harry running to get Madam Pomfrey. The pain was unbearable. Draco held me tight. "I know it's going to be all right!" He said reassuringly.

"Bella why were you screaming and crying in your sleep? Did you have a bad dream?" He asked sweetly. He got onto the bed and sat next to me. I rested my head on his shoulder trying to stop the pain.

"I had a h-horrible nightmare!" I said beginning to sob again. My head felt like it was going to explode. I held my head in efforts to ease the pain. "My head!" I nearly screamed. I saw Madam Pomfrey rushing in with a purple vial in hand.

"Here Miss. Archer take this. You will have to take that everyday for the next 2 weeks. It will ease the pain from your head and the rest of your body." She said handing me the vail. I took a sip it tasted awful! Ugh but my head did start to feel better. "Okay Mr. Potter you can go back to your class, Mr. Malfoy will be excused from classes to take care of Miss. Archer."

"Okay bye guys. Hope you feel better Bella!" Harry said watching walking out the door. "Can I go now?" I asked, I'm sick of being in here.

"Yes, I suppose so! Mr. Malfoy please help her up. Her body is it quiet weak. Make sure she takes a sip of the potion everyday. If she is mostly better she can resume classes on Monday. Have a good day!" she replied. "Yes no problem, thank you." Draco said getting off the bed and gathering all my things into a bag. Madam Pomfrey left and went to her office. "Try to stand, I'll catch you if you fall." Draco said sweetly. I swung my legs to the edge of the bed. Here goes nothing, I stood up and took a step. I started to fall, but Draco swiftly caught me.

"I got you lets head to the common room." Draco said with a smirk. He put his hands on my waist for support. I felt safe in his arms like nothing can hurt us. The halls were empty, everyone was probably in class. We got to the portrait door, their was a new professor inside. "Hello Draco, Miss Archer I was sent her to live in this portrait to make sure no one harms you while you are inside." Professor Snape said in an unusual tone of voice. "Thank you Professor!" Draco and I thanked him and went in.

Draco set me down on the couch and sat next to me. I could see there was something going on with him. "Draco are you okay?" I said staring into his mysteries eyes. "Oh yeah. I'm just so glad your okay and know that I didn't cheat." He said to quickly to be true.

"Are you sure, you seem a little spaced out. Yes I know someone used a polyjuice potion." I said gentile.

We started to talk about everything I missed, but there was still something he wasn't telling me. I always had trouble with that part of Draco. It's hard for him to open up his feelings.

"Wait what ever happened to Parkinson after you know... The attack." I asked. He seemed taken back by my sudden curiosity of the horrible events. I hate her know, I never did anything to her. She just has it out for me. "Well she's still in school, Professor tried to get her expelled. Unfortunately her parents have high positions in the ministry. So you can guess the rest." He said avoiding eye contact.

"Have you seen her?" I blurted out. "Um yes. Can we change the subject. I don't really feel comfortable taking about those events." He said grabbing my chin with his hand. Bringing my eyes up to his.

"I love you Bella." He said suddenly. I was so surprised, I didn't resist with my response. "I love you too." I said hugging him tightly. I was sitting with my legs over his lap.

I noticed Draco starting at my lips. "Hey my eyes are up here!" I said jokingly. He looked up embarrassed but chuckled. "Just kiss me already." I added.  He took no time to hesitate.

He pulled my lips to his, as soon as they connected I felt whole again. Like a missing piece of me was filled. The kiss started gentile and got more passionate. I could feel him smirk in the kiss.

Wow who would have thought Bella Archer having a snogging session with Draco Malfoy! Unexpected things happen!
Sorry for the long wait. Parts should be back on track from now. Hope you enjoyed. Was kind of boring in the beginning but we got some action in the end!! Please like, comment, and follow. It's greatly appreciated!

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