15: Truth or Dare

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I woke up to find the time was 8:30, school starts at 7:30. I got up, my door opened I noticed Draco peering in.

"Hey beautiful." He said with a smirk. He walked in and sat on the edge of my bed. "Professor McGonagall said we could miss classes today. To make sure your completely better." he said said sweetly.

"Oh okay, so what do you want to do." I asked. He got up and left the room. Whats that about? " Dra-" "Yes Bells. Breakfast is served." He said walking back in with a bed table and home made breakfast. It was so sweet, he made my favorite breakfast. Waffles, eggs, bacon, and orange juice. "Oh Draco your the best, we can share this is way too much for me." I said putting the table between us. "I'm glad you said that because I brought an extra fork." he said with a chuckle.

We ate the delicious meals, and occasionally we looked up and stared at each other. "Did I ever tell you have pretty eyes." he said flirtatiously. "I think you've meantioned it." I said back, as I felt my cheeks turn a shade of red. "Oh Bells the Slytherins' invited us tonight for game night, do you want to go?" A game night with a bunch of Slytherins' that should be fun, not trying to sound sarcastic. I actual like them, there really nice and did I mention hilarious. Their really sweet to me.

"Yeah, I'd love to go what time?" I asked. "Great they said its a sleepover in the Slytherin common room as well. Its at 7:30." he said clearing off the bed of the table. He walked out of the room and into the kitchen. I got out of bed and grabbed a change of clothes. I ran into the bathroom, and took a quick shower.

I changed into a pair of black tights, and a tee-shirt. I went into the common room and sat on the couch. I pulled a book of the shelf, and began to read.

About a half an hour later I was caught off guard, by two hands covering my eyes.  I instantly knew who it was. "Hi Harry." I said pushing his hands off my eyes. "What brings you here?" I asked. He came around the couch and sat next to me.

"Oh well I just wanted to talk to you. When I saw what happened to you, I knew I needed to apologize for not staying close. Now one knows but during the war, you were one of the only things that kept me going." He paused, I didn't know what to say. He also meant a lot to me during the war. We were there for each other when my dad, and Sirius died. "Oh Harry. Its not your fault, I know the war really hurt you. I just made you real live those memories. Well now your here, thats what counts." I said as he pulled me into a hug. Harry and I are like siblings we never had.

"Are you going to that sleepover, game night in the Slytherin common room?" He asked. "Oh yeah, were the Gryffindors invited?" I asked seeming curious. I know the Slytherins' are nice but they aren't exactly complete civil with the Gryffindors'.

"To my surprise they invited a bunch of Gryffindors me, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Gina, Seamus, Luna, and Neville. Everyone is excited, except Ron. He didn't say no but I can tell he thinks its all some prank." Wow tonight is going to be interesting. "Well I better get going, need to find Ginny. Bye Bella." He said getting off the couch and heading to the door.

"Bye Harry, thanks for stopping by." I said and he was out the door. The time read 5:45, I need to get ready. I walked into my room and grabbed my duffle bag. I threw in my toiletry, my pjs, my wand, change of clothes, and a pillow.

I walked back into the common room and found Draco waiting for me. "Hey ready to go?" He said. "Yeah let's go!" I said walking to the door.

"Wait B, take a pill for your head and take them with you!" He called out from the kitchen. He actually remembered that, he must really care. "Oh yeah! Thank you, I can't believe you remembered." I took the pill and put the rest in my bag. We headed out the door.

We made it outside the portrait door. Draco notched and the door swung open. He grabbed my hand and lead me in. I gazed around the room, I saw Parkinson sitting in the corner. I think Draco sensed my rush out emotion, he squeezed my hand reassuringly.

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