26: A Trip

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Draco's PoV: 

I awoke on chair next to Bella's bed. I saw she finally was in a peaceful sleep. I couldn't help but feel bad for her, she was tried so badly by Oliver. But I would never let any one else hurt her. However, we we can now finally be together.

Late last night Professor McGonagall found Oliver and I told her about everything, and he got expelled from Hogwarts. Now she'll be safe, but now she's broken. I'm determined to help her feel better and safe.

Since this was our last year, we are almost done with school. I'm planning something big for when we graduate!

"Draco." A sweet voice snapped me out of thought as I realized I had been staring at her.

"Yes B." I said leaning over to her.

"Can we go somewhere? Since we have a week off from classes." She said cutely since she was still kind of sleepy. At least she wasn't thinking about yesterday.

"What ever you want love. Where would you want to go?"

"Well I was thinking of visiting my mom and then maybe going to see your family." She said sitting up waiting for my response. I would do anything to make her happy,

"Of course love! I'll got send a letter to my mother.  We can go over to her on Wednesday, and then we can stay with your mom on Monday!" I said crawling into bed with her. Bringing her into my arms. "How are you feeling?" I asked praying that I wouldn't spark anything.

"I'm okay. I know that I'm safe now that he's gone." She said looking up at me giving me a quick kiss as I continued to hug her from be hide. We began to plan our trip, and sent out letters to our mothers.
A Few Days Later

We had gathered our bags and got ready to apparate to my mothers house. I was excited to see her, it's been a while.

"Ready?" Draco asked grabbing my hand, and the bags.

"Yes. Lets go!" We throw down the floo power and apparated to the house.


We landed on the steps of my old house, it felt weird to be back. I knocked on the door, and my mother quickly opened it.

"Bella! Oh how I've missed you. How are you? I heard what's been happening, oh my baby." My mother engulfed me in a huge hug, as Draco stood there uncomfortably. I pulled away, and grabbed Draco's hand.

"Mom, this is Draco Malfoy my boyfriend."

"Its lovely to meet you Mrs. Archer." Draco said holding out his hand. I began to laugh, as they he seemed so nervous. "Why are you laughing?"He whined.

"Cause your cute." I said giving him a quick kiss. My mother watched us smiling at us.

"Okay, lovebirds come inside I've made some dinner."

We followed her in and I was hit with all the memories from this house. We spent the next few hours laughing, catching up and eating. Before we knew it, it was late.

"You guys must be tired I'll show you two to your rooms." Rooms? Okay mom. She put Draco in the guest room, right next to my old room. Draco put his things in the room and followed me to see my old room.

Looking at Draco look at my things made me a bit uncomfortable. He looked through all my books.

"You were quiet the reader!"

"Yeah. I let myself get lost in the stories when I was going through some tough times." I spotted the picture of my dad and I at a park. I missed him so much. Draco noticed my sudden silence.

"I know you miss him." He said hugging me from the back.

We spent a while reminiscing about the past. Before we knew it we had fallen asleep still in my room. My mom will live if she finds out, it's not like we did anything. I finally slept a peaceful sleep in the comfort of Draco.
Hey guys. I know it's been awhile since I updated this part. I've been writing a bunch for a new story, The Boy Next Door. You guys should go check it out. Anyway this part was kinda short, but I promise they'll get better.
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