30: Graduation

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There was a buzz of excitement in the air, as people hurried to get ready. The girls in one room trying to look the best for their big day. While the guys were getting ready talking about what they would be doing after graduation. 

"Omg Bella. You look gorgeous!" Dragon said as she scanned my dress.

"Oh thank you, you look smoking!"

"Are you ready for your speech?" Some of the girls asked me. Honestly I had written it a while back with my dad. He was head boy in his time, so naturally we both dreamed I would live up to the name. I did everything in my power to reach this point. I knew he would be looking down at me, as I give my speech that we once worked on together.

"I was born ready!" I said as the girls cheered. Not before long everyone was ready and we all meet up with the guys as we pilled into the great hall for our last time. We walked in a line, Draco and I leading as head boy and girl. Parents, younger or older siblings sitting at the tables. The students sat on one of the tables as Draco and I walked up to the podium. McGonagall began with her speech.

"Welcome families and friends of our honorable Hogwarts class of 2000! I would like to have a moment to honor the professors, students, and loved ones we lost in the battle.
Thank you. They will all be dearly missed, but it was them who have given us the chance to continue our lives. On a brighter note I would like to talk about all these lovely students before us. They have each shown us their bravery, intellect, intelligence, and wit. They all deserve to be here graduating today. Soon entering the world full of opportunities. I can speak in behalf of our late Albus Dumbledore that each of you has grown into a unique and powerful individual and we are both extremely powerful. Despite the immense challenges we have all faced this past year you have all shined brightly through the darkness. Now for our head boy and girl, Draco Malfoy and Bella Archer." We both walked up next to professor McGonagall, each taking a moment to thank and hug her.

"Hello I don't know if you all know me but I'm Bella Archer. I can personally say that Hogwarts is my second home. Ever since I was a little girl my parents would teach me little spells her in their, and I couldn't wait till the day when my letter would arrive. My father and I spent so much time talking about his years at Hogwarts and his year as head boy. So it only seemed fitting that I make him proud and work my way up to being head girl. I know that he is proud of me, even if he's not here to share this moment with me. My mother has shown me great strength, and has taught me to have the potential of being a powerful and influential witch. My years at Hogwarts have really shaped me into the witch I am now standing in front of you. I have learned to stay hopeful in times of great darkness, and that no matter how long it takes love will bring people together. Being head girl was been a great honor, and I'm going to really miss Hogwarts. Now for my boyfriend and fellow head boy Draco Malfoy." I said as I kissed his check and stood besides him.

"Most of you probably know who I am, and if not I'm Draco Malfoy. To start off I'd like to thank everyone who has given me a second chance. I truly apologize to any one I hurt all these years. I lived in fear of greater forces, and I was a coward. However now I have learned to be strong and allow myself to forgive. Hogwarts has truly been a safe home, and place that will forever be in my memories. I've made great friends, and meet the love of my life. Its only here a place like Hogwarts that give people the chance to change and be different. I have seen and been through horrible things but I always felt safe and welcomed here. I know things will be different as we all enter the real world. But we'll always have Hogwarts to call our home. Thank you, and congratulations!" He came over and gave me a quick kiss as we walked to join our class.

We were each called up and given a diploma. Everyone cheered for each other, it was truly a happy moment for everyone. I found my mom after the ceremony.

"Oh Bella I'm so proud of you. You have grown into such a gorgeous young women, your father would be so proud. Your speech was beautiful sweetie." She said tears in her eyes.

"Thanks mom. I love you!" After a few minutes Draco, his mother and sister joined us.

"So I think we'll be seeing a lot of each other." Draco's mother laughed as Draco wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Oh yes we will." Draco said kissing the top of my head. The next few minutes were spent reminiscing, and just hanging around with our families. Oddly at one point Draco disappeared.

"Has anyone seen Draco?" I asked as the crowd parted to show Draco.

"Can I have everyones attention." He said as the room went silent.

"I would like to just say a few things about the most amazing girl I know, Bella. She has always been there as a sign of hope, even when we didn't know we would be together. I always knew that she was the one for me. Strong willed, great heart, and the missing piece in my heart. I know people might think we are too young, but that's why this isn't me proposing. Its me promising in front of you all that in a few years I will propose and marry that beautiful young women before me. I love you so much Bella, and I promise to never stop loving you." He finished as he walked up to me sliding a beautiful ring on my finger.

"Oh Draco! I love you too." I said as I brought his lips to mine. Everyone seemed to disappear, and it was only Draco and I. A perfect moment to end this perfect day. The crowd cheered break us both out of our moment.

I was instantly rushed with girls' wanting to see the ring. Taking a moment, I let everything sink in. Firstly, I graduated and than I got a promise ring from Draco. My smile could not go away. Tomorrow was the prom and then we were all free to start our lives. I was so excited to be starting my life with Draco.
Hey. Hope you enjoyed. This book is almost at it's end a few more parts!

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