25: *Yule Ball Part 2*

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*Warning this has triggering topics . If this triggers or isn't something you want to read skip to the end. *

Someone had their hand on my mouth, and was dragging me back. I tried to yell, but it was no use. Before long, I was pushed into a room and my head hit the wall. The room was dark so I couldn't see who it was.

"I've been waiting for this." The familiar voice said. It was Oliver...

He pulled me up harshly, and pushed me to the wall. He meet my lips with his. I tried to push him off, but he had my hands pushed up against the wall. I let out a tear cause I felt defenseless. He began to touch me places no one should be touched. I let out a scream, but I knew no one could here me. He slapped me, he had a vicious smile on his face.

"Please stop!" I begged as tears began to fall. I felt so scared, why does this have to happen to me. He continued to push me up against the wall. I had my eyes shut as I prayed that it would end. I felt him began to tug at my dress.

"Nice body, can't wait to see it without anything covering it." He smirked.

He had tied up my hands to eliminate my will to escape. He had started to tease me as he played with my dress sleeve. I cried as he seemed to be enjoying every minute of this.
Draco's PoV

I looked around in search for Bella. I had just seen her around with Oliver. I walked up to Gina.

"Hey. Have you seen Bella?" I asked beginning to grow concern.

"Um. I thought I saw her by the drinks a few minutes ago with Oliver, but then they disappear. I thought maybe they stepped outside for fresh air." She said scanning the room. "How a bought I help you look." She said sensing my concern.

"Thanks. I don't understand where they could have gone. Lets go check outside."

As we watched outside the great hall, I found Bella's bracelet  thrown across the hallway. Something must be wrong, she hasn't taken it off since gave it to her. I quickly grabbed it and told Gina about what I found. I started running down the hallway to find one of the classroom doors shut, which was unusual because usually they are kept open. I gestured for Gina to come close, I put my ear to the door and what I heard next sent chills down my spine.

"Please Oliver stop. I don't want this!" I heard Bella say through tears. I immediately pushed through the door, to see a shirt less Oliver standing over a distressed Bella. I ran over to Oliver and throw him off of her, as Gina went to help Bella.

"HOW DARE YOU TOUCH HER!" I screamed at a smirking Oliver. I punched that satisfied face of his.

"She's easier than she looks." He said earning another punch. I conjured up rope and tied him up in the corner. I ran down to where Gina was giving Bella her sweater.

"Oh Bella. I'm sorry I didn't find you earlier. Sh. Your okay." I said pulling her into my arms as she began to sob louder. "Draco." Was all she managed. I just sat there with a broken Bella in my arms. I felt so guilty for letting her go with Oliver, I knew he shouldn't be trusted.

Gina and I helped Bella up and brought her to our room. Leaving Oliver tied up for someone to find him. I laid Bella on the couch as Gina ran to get her something to change into. She hadn't spoken a word and she had a blank expression on her face.

"Bella. Look at me." I said trying to snap her out of it. She didn't move. "Look at me!" I spoke louder.

"I can't. You must hate me." She said in a cold voice, sounding more broken then ever.

"Why would I hate you. I love you, we will get through this together I promise. What happened wasn't your fault. You can't blame yourself. Please Bella look at me. I'm here and so is Gina. Oliver will never touch you again." I said as tears escaped her eyes, making them glassy as she finally turned towards me.

"I love you Draco Malfoy."

"And I you Bella Archer."
Wow. That was eventful! Hope you enjoyed!

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