Halloween Night Encounter (Camila g!p)

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It occurred the year that I had auditioned and won the role of Count Dracula for a local amateur theatre. I met her after the opening night performance, she introduced herself as Lauren.

She bore a remarkable resemblance to the Transformers movie start Megan Fox. She told me how much she loved the play and my performance during out first meeting and we seemed to connect.

We always managed to chat briefly for a few minutes until I had to leave her and circle the room greeting the other audience members.

In our brief conversations I learned that she was really into the whole vampire/Halloween scene with Dracula being her favourite character of course. Now despite her obvious attraction to me and my interest in her she declined invited to join me for cocktails after the show.

I can only surmised that she was probably in a relationship so I didn't push the invitations issue. Instead we lingered outside the old theatre afterwards and talked for hours. She even showed up after the brush up rehearsal and we spent the better part of the evening talking after everyone had gone.

The Halloween night performance had just ended and the cast headed to the reception area to meet their friends and other members of the audience. Now before dealing with the packed reception room I always slipped outside to have a quick breather and cool down.

Being under the hot stage lights in a tails tux and heavy satin cape had the tendency to get me overheated. Normally I slip out the stage door without saying a word, but tonight I was feeling bold. I approached Lauren who was standing in the reception area and I asked her to join me.

She accepted the invite and I led her backstage and out the stage door. Once outside she removed her coat to reveal that she was dressed like my Dracula character. She wore a white tux shirt, vest and bow tie under a black tails tux jacket.

The jacket was not an off the rack purchase, but appeared to have been tailored to her outstanding figure. Instead of tux slacks she had a short tight skirt made from the same material, black nylons and heels completed this ensemble. I noted that she had even sported a set of fang teeth.

I complimented her on her outfit and she thanked me. I was informed that she usually wore it to costume parties, but tonight she wore it in my honour.

"This is my lady Dracula outfit, you should see it when I wear it to Halloween parties. I don't wear the skirt, just tap dancer trunks, tights and heels." She informed me.

Before I could comment on the image she had just presented me with, I summoned inside. Eventually the crowd began to thin out and soon only those waiting for the other cast members remained. I decided it was time to pack up my gear and leave.

"So what happens now? Do you slink back to your crypt?" She asked with a smile as she approached.

"Back to the crypt before sunrise? Never! Now it's time to slink to the bar just down the street," I replied.

She then surprised me by asking me if I had a date. When I answered that I did not and she volunteered for the position, I couldn't believe my luck.

"Be warned that I am not removing my costume or make up," I told her.

"I would be upset if you did. It is Halloween night after all," she responded.

Lauren followed me to the bar and we entered together. What a sight we must have presented to those already there for the bar's Halloween party. Dracula enters with this stunning brunette on her arm dressed almost as she is.

Now none of the cast had planned to stay very long as they were anxious to get to Halloween parties already in progress. In less than an hour it was just the two of us.

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