Chapter 2 || Inspiration - The Moment

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Manik's POV

I take another swig from my beer as I watch the crowd. All around me people are dancing away madly, some in pairs, trio's or foursome. I tapped my foot to the beat of the song. The atmosphere here at the pub was so infectious. I found myself swaying lightly to the beat of the music.
The song changed and the next one was even more popular than the previous one. I guessed that from the response of the crowd to the song as the dancing literally turned to jumping and invention of some uber crazy steps.
The entire pub was filled with the sounds of laughter and fun. This is life man. I thought happily.

I went over and joined a girl who seemed to be around my age. Since the atmosphere here was batshit crazy and too loud a conversation was impossible.
So she just put her arms on my shoulders while I put my hands on her waist and we both swayed to the beats of the song.

This is why I love pubs. There's no need to make conversations here, no need to be answerable to anyone. You can just enjoy life. You just get an intense feel of euphoria.
You can get crazy, meet new like minded people, become a child again, get drunk and just live you know.

This is what I'm thinking as I swirl the girl around in my arms and she laughs and bounces around holding my shoulders.

"There he is!!" And the next thing I know I'm being dragged away from the girl while I excuse myself to her for my friend's idiotic behaviour.

"What man?" I muttered irritated to my friend Ankit.

"Dude atleast you could have told us that you're going off flirting for the mere 2 minutes that we left you alone at the bar. Sour and I thought that you got too drunk and ran off from the pub or something." Ankit said glaring at me.

"And you know we can't drive home right? Considering the number of shots we drank today." Saurabh added

I rolled my eyes at the two of them. Saurabh and Ankit or rather Sour and Kit as we like to call them might as well have been twins seperated at birth. These two are always involved together in anything and everything they do. Be it being womanizers or drinking, flirting with girls and getting rejected (lol) ,Sour and Kit are always together since they were like 7, they informed me.

They don't exactly look the same or anything as Saurabh is tall and lanky with brown hair and black eyes while Ankit is barely over 5.6 feet and has a little bit of extra weight.
Not that this stops the jerk from polishing 2 entire pizzas and no I don't mean 2 personals or gulping down seemingly endless hotdogs and burgers.
But then thats nothing new since all of my friends are food hoggers not that I would have it otherwise.

When I say these two might as well be twins is because they seem to have the same opinion about everything ranging from drinks to cars to teachers to girls and even careers.
And no I'm not kidding when I say that they both get the same grades in college almost everytime.
Or atleast they swear they do. I cant exactly confirm that since I'm not in their college as I took up singing right after graduation.

These two are completely wacky and absolute lunatics. Which is exactly why I love them. They are amazing friends.

"Bro you listening?? You've spaced out!" Saurabh said moving his hands in front of my face.

"I think he's drank too many shots as well" Ankit muttered to Saurabh.

"I'm fine guys. Was just thinking about your chemistry" I said smirking.

"Eeks get away!" Saurabh said playfully moving a few steps away from Ankit.

"It was you who came over to me breathing down my neck you
Idiot."Ankit said disgusted

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