Chapter 4 || Miss Tomato Face

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Manik's POV

I stared at her in shock

And blinked.

And stared again

It was really her.
The girl at the music store, that ladder girl, my inspiration, the girl who had fallen in my arms less than 5 hours ago, Miss Dairy Milk Silk Eyes hell it's her!!

She was sitting on the chair right across the room from me with her expression identical to mine, her chocolate eyes widened and her mouth slightly agape as she stared at me in shock.

I thought I'll never get to see her again. Not that I wanted to see her again ofcourse.
I mean I don't know.

But what is she doing here???
At this recording studio???

I got up from my chair and walked towards her while she got up from her own chair and stood there standing, gaping at me.

Once I was in front of her we both stood there staring at each other for a minute or two. Her mouth still agape and her eyes still wide, she stared at me.

What a coincidence that I would meet her again... That too so soon.... I wondered.

Finally realizing the fact that we both were just staring at each other like we are in some stupid cliché soap opera I looked away deciding to end the awkwardness.

I looked up and smirked at her.

"So... Is your expression going to be this every time you meet me?" I asked winking at her

She looked on at me confused.

"Huh? What expression" She asked me warily

"Oh you know..." I continued smirking

"With your mouth open and your eyes popping out of your sockets. Though I do have that effect on majority of the female population. They can't seem to resist themselves every time they see me." I said winking playfully at her.

Her eyes narrowed.

"Excuse me? Listen dude whoever you are. I have no interest whatsoever in staring at you. I was just shocked that I'm having to face your annoying face again." She commented fuming.

"Oh really? It did'nt look like you thought my face was annoying at the library. You looked like you wanted to eat me up." I teased her. That was'nt true ofcourse. I just said it to antagonise her a little.

Her face went bright red.

I could'nt help grinning at her. Her kitten like anger was pretty entertaining.

"I was not looking like that!!!" She protested in embarrasment and anger, folding her arms around her chest.

I hid my laugh at her comical expression

"I was just shocked to hear someone playing a guitar at a music store. And who even plays guitar at a music store!??" She questioned her eyes narrowed as she glared at me.

"That's me babe. I don't really care about what people think. I can do anything, anywhere." I said leaning forward towards her mischievously to indicate the multiple connotations to that line.

"You are such an arrogant, pompous, perverted asshole!" She muttered disgusted.

"Thanks." I replied smiling sweetly at her.

Her eyes narrowed into slits as she glared at me.

"So Mr ICanDoAnythingAnwhere What are you doing here?? There's an important meeting on that is going to start anytime now so I suggest you get out from here, before someone else makes you go." She said grimacing at me

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