Chapter 20 || The Concert

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Dont Kill Me. Please Dont kill me. I know im coming back after almost like a year and I'm so so sorry guys🙈🙈🙈 I wrote this like 3 months ago but I have'nt been able to complete it I was due to write some 2K words more.  But I needed to post this part because getting some positive respose from you guys will induce me to write more😂😂🙊. Hopefully since my exams just got over I'll complete the leftover part soon and you'll get it in Nandini's POV most probably, not Manik's. Now I'll stop boring you all and you can go ahead and read my lame story lol. I suggest u guys to reread all old chapters again before reading this or maybe after so that you dont lose context of the storyline and the character sketching since it's been such a long while. Will be waiting for your views and comments on this <3

Nandini's POV

"Happy Birthday Cabir!!" The entire restaurant staff chanted happily, along with me and Manik.
A delighted Cabir bowed politely, trying to take off the birthday cap on his head flawlessly in the process, but unfortunately it refused to come off and the string just bounced back on his chin making him grimace.
I giggled and he winked at me.

"Thank you! Thank you guys." He joked, raising his hands at us in mock pride, "I know I'm awesome." He claimed, smirking. I sent Manik a wry look and we rolled our eyes.
Still smirking, Cabir began cutting the humongous double chocolate birthday cake and we all clapped while some of the staff snapped pictures.

Then Manik began singing the birthday song along with everyone. But in his own twisted manner ofcourse.

"Happy Birthdayyy to the boy who wet his pants when he was 15." He sang, cocking his mischievous head to the side.

"Happy Birthdayyy to the boy who's watched Twilight 18 times." He sang and we all chuckled.

Cabir shot me an alarmed look and glared at Manik.

"Happy Birthday to the boy who has Transformer figurines in his room at the age of 24." He sang, his eyes glinting mischievously.

A mortified Cabir meanwhile had put his head in his hands, hiding his face.

"Happy Birthdayy to the boy who cried when Gwen died in The Amazing Spiderman 2"

"There was something in my eye!!!" Cabir cried in defense, his face going red.

By now I had to put my palm on my mouth to stop myself from howling with laughter. The whole situation was ridiculous. This had to be the most absurd birthday party I have ever attended.
For one thing, we were all wearing those kid party caps, you know the ones that are put on our head with a string clutched tightly to our chin?
Yeah that one.

And poor Cabir had it even worse than us.

Because the poor guy was wearing a Disney T-Shirt and not just any shirt but one with Frozen's Elsa and Anna made on it. No, in case your wondering whether he's completely cracked then that's not exactly true since he has been forced to wear them by Manik, literally, since Manik had emptied his entire cupboard in the morning leaving only this shirt laying comfortably inside it, or so he informs me. And despite endless threatening, curses and grovelling on Cabir's part the latter refused to hand him back his clothes unless he wears this today.

Not to mention the sweet little surprise Cabir found upon entering his room late last night what with all his stuff having disappeared from the face of the earth only to be found dangling on his ceiling, giving the poor tired fellow the shock of his life.
What followed, was most probably a pretty gruesome and hilarious incident in the Dhawan household, with Cabir chasing a laughing Manik round the whole house and cursing him.

And Manik calls these gifts "mild".
I'm actually scared to know what he has been doing with poor Cabir over the previous years.

"Happy Birthdayyyy to the boy w-"

He Was Her Lyrics And She Was His Melodyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें