Chapter 17 || One Crazy Trip At The Mall

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I know, I know.. This chapter's too weird, philosophical and cheesy and for those who don't like cricket there's a tiny bit in the last part ;( soryyyy. Plus there might be some portions here you guys may not approve of.. I mean I don't know ;(
Hope this isn't too bad though! :)

Manik's POV

I sigh, smiling as I prop my elbow onto my knees, putting my chin underneath my hands and stare at Nandini as she plays the piano. I don't even know why the heck am I staring at her. But everytime I watch her play, Man..... I don't know, it does something to me I guess? Everytime she plays I just end up staring at her like I have no control of my mind and body anymore. Strange. I've never been this fascinated by any other music partner of mine before. There was that guy, who'd been brought to do rap in my video and he was a classic but I don't remember been staring at him like this while he rapped. To which, now that I think of it thank God I didn't. Atleast Nandini's a girl.
Wait, what the hell am I saying? Do I make any sense to you? Because I sure as hell am not making any sense to myself.

Anyway, turning back to Nandini. She seems happier as she plays today compared to the last time I'd watched her play. There were no sad sighs anymore when she made a mistake, actually she was barely making any, and there was even a tiny smile curving on her lips as she played. It was like she didn't want to restrict herself anymore like she used to before, like she was letting go....

"Maaanikkk?" She cooed in a sing song voice snapping me out of my reverie.

I quickly removed my hand from under my chin and sat upright as she stopped playing and turned towards me so that she would'nt know I'd been staring at her.

"Are you going to do something today or just keep staring at me?" She asked, amused.

Fuck. She saw.

I groaned inwardly and put on an innocent face to hide the fact that I was guilty.

"Staring at you? Why would I do that? I was just trying to figure what that little blotchy red thing underneath your eyes is. Confused, her eyebrows quivered and she moved her hands underneath her eyes, questioningly to see where I'm pointing and her mouth flew open, comically in realisation.

"Manik!!! That's my nose!!!" She cried in irritation and I burst out laughing.

"Oh, that's what it was? I'd been trying to guess what it is since the past half an hour!" I teased, as I laughed.

She frowned and pouted.

"You don't need to make fun of me because I've got a cold." She whined, sniffing and rubbing the back of her nose with her handkerchief for the 100th time.

I chuckled at her pouting face. Teasing her will always be the best entertainment for me. The way her eyes narrow everytime I tease her and she would give that adorable pout.... It made me just want to tease her all day.

She had a cold today, and was frustrated since she was'nt being able to sing without having a coughing fit everytime she tried. So I'd told her to give her voice a rest today and simply distract herself by playing the piano. What I hadn't known was that watching her play the piano would in turn distract me because I'd forgotten all that I'd been doing and had ended up just staring at her like an idiot for reasons that were beyond me.

"Sorry, it's just that your scarlet nose looks hilarious." I teased, and laughed as she just shot me a flat look. And laughed harder when it got accompanied by her middle finger.

"Your always laughing at me." She grumbled, as she returned back to playing her piano, ignoring me.

"Well, your always doing things to make me laugh at you." I justified and she just shook her head. I couldn't see her because she had her back turned to me but I knew that she was rolling her eyes. She loves doing that way too much.

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