Chapter 18 || Be It Yoghurt Or Flour He Loves To Drown Himself In Food Items

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Nandini's POV

I groan as the raw smell of the burnt pasta fills the kitchen. I try in vain to do some damage control over the messy thing by frantically stirring it around, but fail miserably as I realise I've just ended up burning it in some other corners as well.
Just Great.
Just the perfect way to start my Sunday.

I don't even know how the thing burnt up so much. Everything had been going just fine and dandy before and I had just added the boiled pasta inside the sauce mixture I'd spent so much time preparing and had been stirring it proudly (I had stayed up till late last night, memorising the recipe so I can prepare it today, hence I can afford to feel a bit proud while making it right?). Once I was confident that it had been well sauted I'd merely gone out for a mere two or three minutes to help Riya with her homework, keeping the flame at low, so that the pasta will be kept warm but had come back to a burnt and sick smelling pasta with a stricken looking Bhai standing beside it.

"Ah Hell!!" I groan in resignation as I realise that my pasta, which I had gone to so much trouble preparing was completely ruined. I highly doubt if even Sara's deceased Labrador Zoe (if he was alive right now that is) would have agreed to eat this thing. One sniff at this hideous thing would have the poor guy or dog whatever, fleeing in the opposite direction.
Just my luck.
How the hell did this happen?

"Um Nandini...." Bhai began, a sheepish expression on his face.

I shot him an exasperated look.

"I had no idea that putting the flame on high for a bit would cause it to explode like this...." He said wincing, "I had just wanted to help.."

"What??" I gasped, resisting the urge to strangle him.

"Bhai I'd kept the flame on low for a reason!! The thing was almost prepared!! I just kept the flame on low so that the pasta would stay warm till I went over to help Riya. I had'nt expected you to saunter up behind my back and put it on high, burning up the whole thing!" I cried, exasperated.

Bhai looked at me remorsefully.

"Crap." He said wincing, as he looked down at the now dear to God pasta.
"Sorry.." He mumbled, looking down at his folded hands like a kid, getting a scolding.
"I was just trying to help.." He said sadly.

I sighed, melting at his sad face.

"It's ok." I said with a martyred sigh, hiding a smile.

"I'd been making this for you only. I know how much you love white sauce pasta, so I thought it would be a nice surprise, to make you this for breakfast. Nice to see that you gave me a bigger surprise, by burning it." I said wryly and he gave me a guilty look.

"I really wanted you to taste this." I mumbled mournfully.

"Never mind!" He said shrugging it off with a half smile.
"It's the thought that counts right?" He added with a wink, trying to cheer me up and I smiled half heartedly.

"We'll make this pasta some other time." He said, taking the pan off the gas and putting it near the sink.
"Today, I'm going to make you my famous French toasts and I promise you, that you'll be licking your fingers after eating this..."

"Hell no!!" I interrupted him and he looks at me questioningly.

"I am going to make this pasta, and I'm going to make it today only." I said stubbornly and began to pull out the vegetables from the refrigerator.

"Nandini, there's no need for you to make it all over again! You can make this some other time na!" He protested.

"Nope. I'm making it now." I said firmly and he heaves an exasperated sigh.

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