Chapter 9 || The Mask Can Never Slip Off

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Nandini's POV

I ran out of the music room in a daze, my mind replaying Cabir's words again and again.

"The guy could'nt survive.."

"He did'nt survive.."

'Car banged into the tree.."

"The tree is cursed..."

I wiped the tiny tears that seemed to have formed on my face, trying to get a grip on myself. I barely glanced at the people in the reception and simply ran towards the exit. I opened the door rapidly, and banged into someone who had just been entering from the other side.

"Oww!!" The girl muttered putting her hands on her forehead and rubbing the area where the door hit her. I hardly spared her a glance and was about to rush off when she stopped me.


I stopped realising that the girl was Navya. She'd probably come to pick me up. I turned back, after dabbing at the tears in my eyes and changing my face back to normal as best as I could so that she would'nt suspect anything.

"Oh! Hey Navu!" I greeted her with a strained smile.

She took one look at me and her eyes narrowed and she put her hands on her hips.

"What happened??" She asked.

Great. So much for acting like everything's fine.

I should have known that she would'nt fall for this pathetic effort of mine.

Nothing escapes Navya Naveli.
She and Bhai are so much alike in this case it's creepy.

"Nandini?" She questioned again her face worried as she tried to read mine.

I smiled at her faintly, trying hard to sound normal. As normal as I can be anyway.

"Nothing, Navu. I'm good. I'm just not feeling well actually."I said uncomfortably.

"What is it Nandini??" She asked concerned, looking at my face closely, probably noticing that I had been crying.

"N-no I'm fine, really." I stuttered, trying hard to sound convincing.

I so was'nt in the mood for pretensions right now. I just wanted to leave. I just wanted to escape from here. I feared the mask I had on was going to slip off very soon and I did'nt want Navya to witness it.

"Nandini are you going to tell me why you were crying or do I have to find out myself?" She asked me sternly.

I sighed, exasperated.

"Navya it's nothing for God's sake!" I snapped at her.

I saw the hurt flash in her eyes which made my heart clench.
I felt guilty for hurting her, but I did'nt need her to see that I was falling apart right now.
I could'nt have her more worried than she already was.

"I just want to go home right now ok?" I said my voice softening. I turned my face slightly away from her so she wouldn't see the tears pooling in my eyes.

"We'll hang out together some other time am not really up to it today." I said not looking at her again, just desperate to get out from here.

"I'll call you tomorrow!" I called back to her without looking back and ran over to the other side of the road to hail a taxi.

"Nandini!!" Navya called out to me from behind but thankfully a taxi pulled in front of me and I rushed inside relieved.

"Where to?" The driver asked me, his face wary and unsure.
I guess he could tell that I was reaching my breaking point now and was about to burst into tears.

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