Chapter 16 || He's Gulping Down Brownies Like A Cannibal With His Ass On Fire

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Just a crazy, fun filled chapter! From here Starts Manik and Nandini's new journey to slowly becoming friends. You're gonna get a few such fun chapters until the seriousness seeps in! Your going to see a gradually changing Nandini in the upcoming chapters. Because of how slow the story is am going to try to update as soon as I can :)
Hope you guys enjoy it! :D

Nandini's POV

"A Minor!"

"D Major!!"

"A Minor!!"

"I'm telling you D Major is perfect!!"

"Nope. A Minor it is."

"D Major!!"

"Hell no A Minor!!"

"Oh God. We have to choose some other way to solve this." Manik muttered, exasperated.

We both had been arguing over which scale should be used to make the 3rd song. I insisted on A Minor while Manik was bent on D Major. To be fair both the chords were equally suiting for the song but since we were both equally stubborn none of us was willing to back down.
We may be actually getting along now but arguing over anything and everything still seemed to be the forte for Manik and me and I don't think that will ever change.

"You know, you can be a kind gentleman and back down already." I said sulking.

"Nah. I'm not the kind to give up anytime soon. Besides who said I'm a gentle man?" He winked.

I gave him a wry look and sighed.

"Your a disgrace for gentlemen everywhere." I joked.

"There aren't many left anyway." He shrugged.

He has a point there.

"Fine, tell me how can we solve this?" I asked him, crossing my arms with a sigh.

His eyes lit up.
"I have a brilliant idea." He said excitedly.

Huh. I don't exactly like the sound of this.

"Come along!" Manik said and he walked out of the music room.

"Where are we going??" I asked curiously as I followed him

"Just wait and watch" He calls back and I frown.

We walk out of the studio, towards Manik's car. I really have no idea what this guy is planning.

"Hop in." He says as he takes the wheel.

I sigh and get in the passenger's seat and he starts the engine, rolling the car down the driveway.


"A restaurant?? Seriously Manik? To solve the problem of which scale we should use for a song you bring us to a restaurant??" I exclaimed, exasperated.

"Yup." He says grinning and then laughs at my incredulous expression.

"Now Come on." He says, getting out of the car.

"I don't believe this." I muttered as I get out of the car, shutting the door behind me.

"What exactly are you planning?" I inquired politely as we entered the restaurant, him holding the door open for me.

"Told you. Just wait and watch." He said as we walk over to a table at the corner of the restaurant.

I pursed my lips as we took a seat at the table and he grins at me. The moment we are seated a waiter comes running over to our table.

He Was Her Lyrics And She Was His MelodyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt